Lower Body Lift

Alternative Names: Body Lift, Belt Lipectomy, Panniculectomy, Weight Loss Skin Removal, Abdominal Lipectomy

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Summary of Lower Body Lift

Cost :
Surgery Length:
4 - 5 Hours
Anesthesia :
General Anesthesia
Recovery :
Lower Body Lift surgery is a Body Contouring procedure designed for men or women who have lost significant weight and are left with significant excess skin around their mid-region. The procedure elevates the thighs and buttocks, contours the hips, and flattens the abdomen, while also removing excess skin circumferentially around the waist. Research studies have shown that Body Contouring can significantly improve the self-image, self-esteem and quality of life of weight loss individuals.

The art of tightening and shaping the unique body contours of each patient requires the expertise of an experienced and skilled Plastic Surgeon. At Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, the SixSurgery team take great pride in dedicating themselves to achieving optimal results that will leave your body looking and feeling rejuvenated.

Why Body Contouring?

Embarking on a significant weight loss journey is challenging and also rewarding. While medical conditions related to obesity may improve or even completely resolve with weight loss, our skin unfortunately often does not return to its previous state. When excessive weight is carried over a prolonged period, the skin is often stretched beyond a point where its elasticity will allow it to return to a close fit around the body. Diet and exercise are unable to reverse these changes in skin elasticity or shrink excess skin that has developed. Body Contouring procedures designed to remove redundant skin, such as a Lower Body Lift, are often required to get rid of skin excess and highlight the extent of your weight loss.

The many benefits of a Lower Body Lift include:

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Flatter and tighter abdomen
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Lifted and well formed butt
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Tighter, smoother skin in the thigh area
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Smoothing of abnormal folds and skin irregularities
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Eliminate skin irritation and rashes within abnormal skin folds
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Improved body image and self-esteem

SixSurgery: Lower Body Lift Experience

The SixSurgery surgical team is composed of board certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons with extensive experience in Post-Bariatric (or Post-Weight Loss) Body Contouring procedures, such as a Lower Body Lift. Dr. Jugenburg who leads the SixSurgery team is currently on staff at the Humber River Regional Hospital, one of the biggest Bariatric Surgery centers in North America and has also been on staff at the busiest Lap Band surgical facility in Canada. As such, he has treated many weight loss patients and has more experience in Post-Bariatric Body Contouring procedures than most Plastic Surgeons.

What is a Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift surgery is a Body Contouring procedure designed for men or women who have lost significant weight and are left with significant excess skin around their mid-region. The procedure elevates the thighs and buttocks, contours the hips, and flattens the abdomen, while also removing excess skin circumferentially around the waist.

SEE our patient discuss Back Lift (Skin Removal) + Fat Transfer:

Are you a Good Candidate?

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Loose skin not responding to diet or exercise
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Close to your ideal body weight
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Adequate muscle tone
The typical candidate for a Lower Body Lift is a formerly obese person who has achieved a more normal Body Mass Index (BMI) and is in relatively good health, but is bothered by excess, loose skin. The procedure is also appropriate for non-weight loss patients who have similar concerns. If you have excess skin on your abdomen, sides, buttocks or thighs, you may benefit from this procedure.

While a Lower Body Lift can enhance your appearance and your self-esteem, it will not necessarily give you the appearance of someone who never carried excess weight. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with our team during the consultation process.
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How much does
Lower Body Lift cost?

Lower Body Lift
$ 20,000 +
Costs will be adjusted according to anesthetic used and potential customization to the procedure.

Recovery After
Lower Body Lift Surgery

After Lower Body Lift Surgery you will have a tight garment over your mid-region.
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1 - 2 Weeks

Swelling and bruising will be most noticeable after the first 48 hours and will slowly subside over a period of 2 to 3 weeks. You will also have several surgical drains to remove fluid from the treatment areas; these are usually removed after two weeks. Patients can typically go back to light activities within the first week.

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3 - 6 Weeks

Regular compression garment wear will be an important part of your recovery process. Most regular activities can be resumed at this stage, and you can resume exercise after six weeks.

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3 Months

It will take approximately 3 months for all the swelling to resolve and for you to see the final results. During this time you will need to follow the specific instructions that will be given to you regarding body position and physical restrictions to ensure your wounds heal. It is normal to feel numbness in your surgical areas for up to a year.

Body Lift Risks & Complications

Although complications following Body Lift are infrequent; the following may occur:

Bleeding or Hematoma
Blood clots may form under the skin and require drainage.
This typically corrects as swelling resolves. In rare cases significant asymmetry may remain.
Infection is rare but may occur and treatment with antibiotics and/or drainage may be required. In rare instances surgery may be required for severe infection.
Skin irregularities
Skin irregularities, lumpiness, hardness and dimpling may result; some problems disappear with time and frommassage, and other problems may persist and additional treatments may be necessary.
Wound dehiscence
Wound dehiscence (wound opening) may occur and outpatient nursing may be required to assist with the wound care. You may be required to travel to a local clinic for daily wound care.
Hernia may be found during the surgery and this may require surgical repair, which may be associated with potential injury to the bowel.
Numbness of the skin
Numbness of the skin over treated areas is common and persists for months. In rare cases it may be permanent.
Abnormal scarring or scar position is rare but is possible.
Dizziness may occur during the first week following Bodylift surgery particularly upon rising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised while walking. Do not drive a car if dizziness is present.
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Deep Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Fat Embolism may occur. Abdominal perforation may alsooccur in rare instances. The risk of these specific complications is increased in patients with increased BMI andprevious abdominal surgeries. If left untreated they may be fatal.

Lower Body Lift FAQs

Who is a good candidate for a Lower Body Lift?
Good candidates for Lower Body Lift surgery are patients who have excess skin along the abdomen, buttocks and upper thighs. To be considered for surgery, a patient should be in good health and a non-smoker.
What are the risks of a Lower Body Lift?
A Lower Body Lift is a surgical procedure, and all surgical procedures carry some risks. With regard to a Lower Body Lift, there are special considerations that need to be taken into account, which will be discussed during your pre-operative consultation. Complications include bleeding, infection, and fluid collections, which may lead to the opening of your wounds. Although unlikely, an injury to deep tissue layers can also occur, which may require additional surgery to ensure ideal results. More severe complications, such as Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism, are extremely rare. If suspected, these conditions need to be treated urgently and aggressively.
How is a Lower Body Lift different to Liposuction?
Liposuction removes fat; it does not tighten the skin or improve cellulite. A Lower Body Lift both tightens the skin and improves cellulite. For people who have excess fat deposits in addition to loose skin, Liposuction may be carried out during the Lower Body Lift surgery.
How long is the recovery following a Lower Body Lift?
A Lower Body Lift is a significant surgery and is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery following a Lower Body Lift is therefore a gradual process. Prior to surgery it is important that each patient organizes their affairs and schedule, so that they can completely relax and rest throughout the first week after surgery. It is also beneficial to arrange to have someone for support and assistance during this time. During the second week after surgery, patients may begin to take care of themselves as they gradually progress their level of activity.

Most patients will take 2 to 3 weeks leave from work, depending upon their occupation.
When can a patient resume exercise after a Lower Body Lift?
All patients should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 6 weeks after surgery. We recommend that patients recommence exercise slowly. A Lower Body Lift affects large areas of the body and it is important to allow these areas to heal properly.
What do the scars from a Lower Body Lift looklike?
Our SixSurgeons are experts at creating minimal scars during a Lower Body Lift procedure. Regardless of the amount of excess skin to be removed, our surgeons also aim to place the incisions where they will be least visible.
How much does a Body Lift cost?
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