Dr. 6ix (Dr. Martin Jugenburg)

dr. martin jugenburg
is a
world renowned Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon based out of Toronto, Canada

(Also known as “The 6ix”).

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Dr. 6ix has trained at some of the world’s most prestigious


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Degree in Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics (University of Toronto)
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Degree in Medicine (University of Toronto)
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Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (University of Manitoba)
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Board Certification in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada)
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Microsurgery and Cancer Reconstruction Fellowship (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC)
Currently, Dr 6ix is practicing at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, where he runs one of the best known Cosmetic Plastic Surgery clinics, with an international following on social media, and patients travelling to Toronto from around the world to have their surgery with Dr. 6ix.

Our Most Requested


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Breast Augmentation

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Dr. Jugenburg performs all types of breast augmentations. He is also one of the first plastic surgeons in Canada to offer the new Ideal Implant breast augmentation.

Brazilian Butt Lift

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Dr.6ix has recently become a part of the Dr. Miami team, being recognized by Dr. Miami for the quality of his BBLs.


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Facelifts are our favorites because of the dramatic change they achieve. We love to see our patients erase years off their faces.
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See all other procedures performed by Dr. 6ix.

Most Common Questions

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$200 Scheduling fee: This fee will be credited towards your cosmetic surgery.
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$2000 Surgery deposit: This non-refundable deposit is required for us to hold your surgical booking.
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How to Contact Us

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To ask a question or to schedule an appointment feel free to contact us directly at info@torontosurgery.com or click on the button below to fill out our online contact form.
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We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will not be shared.
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Out-of-Town Patients

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Before accepting you as a patient, we will ask you to fill out our online health questionnaire, submit photos of yourself and then schedule a phone consultation to discuss your concerns.
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Being located inside a hotel, there are options to stay over (additional cost).

Am I a Candidate for a Cosmetic

Am I a Candidate for a


Cosmetic Surgery?

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There are other factors that help determine whether you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery, including:
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Body Mass Index (BMI)

This is an indicator of your overall health and risk of surgical complications. Studies have shown that surgical risks increase in patients with a BMI over 30, therefore Dr. 6ix will not operate on these patients. If you do not qualify, you may attempt to lose weight to lower you BMI and contact us again.
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Good health

Being in good health and free of any major medical conditions prior to your surgery is key for proper healing and recovery after your procedure.
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Realistic expectations

Most importantly, you should have realistic expectations about your goals for surgery. Ideally, you want to look like a revitalized and refreshed version of yourself. The best way to determine if you’re a candidate for a cosmetic procedure is to schedule a consultation with us.
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Our Innovative

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Surgical Techniques

There are many different techniques used by plastic surgeons. Dr. Jugenburg’s philosophy is to make patients look as natural as possible.
To achieve his impressive results, Dr. Jugenburg utilizes the surgical techniques that he learned from some of the world’s most well known Plastic Surgeons.
By using these innovative surgical techniques, Dr. Jugenburg is able to obtain beautiful results for patients while decreasing the recovery downtime and significantly lowering the risk of complications.

How the Surgery


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The cosmetic surgery is generally performed using either local anesthesia with sedation or under general anesthesia. Dr. Jugenburg will determine the best type of anesthesia to use based on your procedure and medical history. In addition to the anesthesia, numbing medication is used to make sure you will be comfortable when you wake up from the surgery.
Multiple procedures can be combined together, although Dr. Jugenburg recommends to keep the total surgical time under 4-5 hours at a time. To learn more about our various procedures, please look up these procedures individually.
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The Recovery

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After the procedure, we will apply bandages and garments (included in the surgery fee) as needed. There will be some discoloration and swelling around the surgical area, and this should improve over the next 7-10 days. Discomfort after surgery is easily managed with prescription medication, although many patients only require over-the-counter pain killers. You will need to avoid strenuous activities for 2 to 3 weeks for the most procedures (each procedure will have a unique post-surgery protocol – this information will be provided to you in writing after your surgery).
Being located inside of a hotel, you have the option of being able to spend the first couple nights in one of the beautifully appointed rooms at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel (if available). Our nurses will visit you the following morning to ensure that you are safe to be released home. This is not included in your surgical fees*
Your surgeon will see you at the regularly scheduled intervals during the weeks following your surgery. This is done so the doctor can personally monitor your recovery process, and to ensure that you have the best results possible.

Confidential Consultation

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