Mommy Makeover Treatment by SixSurgery
• Combine multiple surgeries
• Quick recovery times
• Personalized to your body
• Boost your confidence

Mommy Makeover from Toronto's #1 Clinic

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Summary of Mommy Makeover

The Sum of the individual procedures you may need
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Breast  Augmentation
Stretched skin and excess fat raises the breasts higher on the chest.
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Suctioning out stubborn fat cells slims and shapes problem areas on the body.
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Vaginal Rejuvenation
Tightening lax tissues improves sensitivity and birth-related contour changes.
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Breast Reduction and Lift Removing
Stretched skin and excess fat raises the breasts higher on the chest.
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Tummy Tuck
Excising loose skin, removing fat, and repairing muscles creates a flatter belly.
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Buttock Augmentation
Injecting fat cells into the buttocks can fix sagging and create a rounder shape.
The joy of becoming a mother is something to look forward to and cherish. Often however, pregnancy and breastfeeding are accompanied by significant unwanted changes to the female body that can affect our confidence and comfort. When diet and exercise do not restore fully, and non-surgical treatments have been deemed inadequate, these changes can leave women feeling self-conscious.

The effects of childbearing and breastfeeding on the body are unique to each woman, and so restoration of your pre-pregnancy form requires an approach that is personally tailored and carefully considered. A Mommy Makeover is a combination of surgical procedures selected specifically for you, to help reverse pregnancy-related changes that are unique to your body. Common surgical procedures included in a Mommy Makeover are breast rejuvenation procedures to restore a round and perky breast shape, and abdominal rejuvenation procedures to re-create a flat tummy, address muscle separation, and remove unwanted stretch marks. At the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, the SixSurgery team is dedicated to helping you restore your pre-pregnancy form. Embrace the joy of motherhood renewed and rejuvenated.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover Surgery is a healthy woman of any age who has stopped breastfeeding and does not plan any further pregnancies. A Mommy Makeover is not a good idea for women who intend to have more children, as further pregnancies post-Mommy Makeover will undo all the work that has been done.
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Loose skin and stretch marks around and below the midsection
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Protruding abdomen as a result of stretched muscles during pregnancy
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Sagging breasts that no longer appear youthful
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Changes in appearance of the labia minora related to child birth
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Persistent pockets of excess fat anywhere on the body
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Body shape and size
Take Our 60 Second Assessment

What is a Mommy
Makeover Plastic Surgery

Following childbirth, some women seem to return to their pre-baby bodies with ease, but for most women this can become an impossible task. Body changes that result from pregnancy and/or aging include skin stretching, abdominal muscle separation, stretch marks, sagging breasts, and many others. A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures designed to reverse these effects and may include any of the following treatments:

Changes to the Abdomen
The changes that occur to the female body during pregnancy are often most evident on the abdomen. All women experience normal hormonal changes during pregnancy that mainly serve to allow the abdominal wall muscles to relax (rectus diastasis) and accommodate the size of the baby as it grows within the uterus. Although some women’s abdominal tissues will return to a pre-pregnancy state, most women are left with loose, sagging skin (ptosis); disfiguring stretch marks (striae); separation and bulging lower abdominal muscles; or possibly a combination of all of these effects. Many women also undergo a C-section (Caesarean section) delivery, or have had previous abdominal surgery, both of which can leave thick, unattractive and painfulscars.

"Pregnancy left this woman with a belly pouch, stretchmarks, and loose skin. A tummy tuck with muscle repair helped her regain a tighter, more athletic abdomen that no amount of exercise could achieve. "
Changes to the Breasts
Changes to the breasts will occur during pregnancy whether or not a mother chooses or is able to breastfeed her baby. As the female body prepares for milk production (known as lactation), the milk glands in the breasts swell and replace the other fatty breast tissue. After childbirth, these glands often shrink, which can leave a loose skin envelope that lacks sufficient breast tissue to fill it. After pregnancy, a woman’s breasts therefore frequently have less fullness, tend to sag lower, and commonly develop stretch marks.
Changes to the Body Contours
Although most women are able to lose the weight that they have gained during pregnancy, many notice that they have a few persistent areas of fat on the hips, back and thighs that will not go away, despite aggressive and sustained exercise regimens and a strict diet. Many of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy result in permanent body changes such as these localized fatty deposits.
What is Included In a Mommy Makeover
A Mommy Makeover Procedure generally involves the combination of two or more surgical procedures performed in one stage; these typically include a combination of a Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, and a Breast Lift and Augmentation (with breast implants or Fat Transfer). However, a Mommy Makeover can also be staged into multiple surgeries and include other procedures such as a Breast Reduction, labiaplasty, or Liposuction of other stubborn areas. A Thigh Lift, Arm lift, and Butt Lift may also be incorporated as well. During your private consultation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, the team will work with you to design the ideal approach to address your unique needs for a Mommy Makeover.
Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
A Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty in a Mommy Makeover removes excess loose skin and fat, and in most cases restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is instantly smoother and firmer. The muscle layer is tightened, reshaping the abdominal wall, and dramatically improving its appearance and strength. A flat, well-toned abdomen and a sculpted midsection is something many mothers strive for after childbirth, but struggle to regain. Stretch marks that form during pregnancy are also frequently addressed during a Tummy Tuck.
Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty before and after resultseye icon
"Tummy Tuck and Liposuction"
Thigh Lift and Liposuction
The combination of a Thigh Lift and Liposuction removes excess skin and fat to tighten and smooth the contours of inner and/or outer thighs. Mothers who have gained disproportionate amounts of persistent fat in their thighs after childbirth are the best candidates for this procedure.
Thigh Lift and Liposuction before and after results eye icon
Butt Lift and Augmentation
A Butt Lift and Augmentation with Fat Transfer (Brazilian Butt Lift) is used to restore fuller, rounder buttocks and simultaneously sculpt a slimmer waistline and hourglass figure. A Butt Lift removes excess skin to tighten and smooth the contours of the butt, while a Brazilian Butt Lift removes unwanted areas of fat from elsewhere in the body and transfers it to the butt.
Butt Lift and Augmentation before and after results eye icon
Arm Lift and Liposuction
An Arm Lift with Liposuction removes excess skin and fat to tighten and reduce the fullness of the upper arms.
Arm Lift and Liposuction before and after results eye icon
Liposuction Body Sculpting
Liposuction Body Sculpting in a Mommy Makeover provides a safe and quick method to precisely reduce persistent (difficult to remove) fat deposits that will not go away, despite a mother’s efforts with physical fitness and a healthy diet.
Liposuction Body Sculpting before and after results eye icon
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal Tightening surgery (Vaginoplasty) restores vaginal tightness and shape that has been distorted over time.
Breast Enhancement
A breast enhancement most often involves the combination of a Breast Augmentation and Lift, but will vary between women. These procedures are often beneficial for mothers who have seen the youthful pertness and position of their breasts change. Breast Augmentation restores or adds volume to the breasts and involves the surgical placement of a saline or silicone filled breast implant behind each breast or using your own fat via fat transfer during a Mommy Makeover. During a Breast Lift (Mastopexy), loose skin is removed to tighten, elevate and reshape the breasts. Some women’s breasts also stay larger after pregnancy and breastfeeding, necessitating a Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty) and a Breast Lift.
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Build Custom Mommy Makeover Plan
How much does a
Mommy Makeover cost?
See prices below:
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck (extended or vertical)
Breast Lift (mastopexy)
Breast Augmentation
Thigh Lift
Arm Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift
Labia Reduction
Hymen reconstruction
Clitoral Hood Reduction
$7,500 + (First Area) + $2,500 – $7,000 (additional)
$7,900 (mini) or $12,800 - $16,500 +
$13,300 - $18,500 +
$10,600 +
$10,500 + (saline), $12,800 + (silicone)
$10,300 to $13,500+
$7,300-$11,300 +, $14,300 + (chest extension)
$13,800 (one area of liposuction) to $24,100 (with lipo360) +
$5,500 + (inner), $6,300 + (outer)
($1,500 when performed at the time of labia reduction)
Get Custom Quote

After Procedure

One of the benefits of a Mommy Makeover is having a combined surgery, so that multiple areas of the body are addressed, but only one recovery period is required. The Mommy Makeover recovery itself varies between women and will depend on a number of factors, such as which procedures are performed and the physical condition of the patient before surgery.

By being located in the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, patients can choose to spend their first night after surgery at the hotel (cost not included and subject to availability). Further follow-up visits at the clinic will be arranged for you to allow us to continue to monitor your progress.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
A Mommy Makeover consists of a combination of surgical procedures designed to address the physical changes that occur to the female body after pregnancy, nursing and the effects of aging and gravity. The following surgeries are commonly considered in a Mommy Makeover procedure:
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Tummy Tuck
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Liposuction (remove areas – these are not the most common areas)
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Breast Surgery (Augmentation and/or Lift)
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Arm Lift
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How Often is a Mommy Makeover Performed?
Advances in surgical technique and an increased awareness of Mommy Makeover cosmetic procedures have encouraged women to feel more comfortable restoring their pre-pregnancy bodies after childbirth. A recent survey showed that in the US over 325,000 Mommy Makeover surgeries were performed on women between 20 to 39 years-old.
What are the Risks of a Mommy Makeover
Special considerations will apply to each of the individual surgical procedures that may be performed during a Mommy Makeover Surgery. The SixSurgery Team always discusses these with each patient during the consultation process.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
The best candidates for a Mommy Makeover Procedure are women who have noticed permanent changes to their bodies as the result of pregnancy, nursing or aging. Ideal candidates will also have already reached their target weight and have maintained it for several months. Women should not be currently pregnant or nursing, and should wait at least 6 months after weaning before pursuing cosmetic body surgery. Since future pregnancies could have a negative impact on your Mommy Makeover results, it is important to wait until you are absolutely sure you plan to have no further children before you schedule an appointment. At your initial consultation, the SixSurgery Team will review your health and medical history,and provide you with the necessary information to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery.
What Can I Expect from a Mommy Makeover?
It is important that every patient has realistic expectations with regard to their concerns and goals. If your expectations are not realistic, the SixSurgery Team will discuss this with you during the consultation process. Surgery will only be considered if and when realistic goals and expectations can be met.
When Should I have Breast Surgery after
During pregnancy, your breasts will develop and enlarge in preparation for breastfeeding. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breasts will either revert to their pre-pregnancy state or possibly leave you with a deflated and sagging appearance. It normally takes about 3 months for these changes to happen, and you should wait until your breasts have stabilized (until they are not changing any longer) before planning your surgery. If you were to otherwise have your breast surgery earlier, it would be difficult to control the final result as your breasts would still be changing and may then require revision surgery at a later date. It is also important that at the time of your surgery your breasts are free from milk.
How Should I Prepare for Surgery?
You will be given thorough instructions on how best to prepare for your surgery. Patients should refrain from smoking and taking any anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), anticoagulant medications or supplements (e.g., aspirin, vitamin E and garlic supplements) for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery, as these can increase the risk of complications. Important preparation for your recovery after surgery include:
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Organize your affairs and schedule, so that you can completely relax and rest after surgery.
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Make sure you arrange for someone to bring you to the clinic and to pick you up and stay with you after your surgery (if you choose not to stay in the Fairmont Royal York Hotel for the first night after surgery) – you will not be allowed to leave the clinic by yourself.
What Can I Expect During the Procedure?
A Mommy Makeover surgery will vary in technique and time, depending on which individual procedures are being performed and the level of correction needed. The SixSurgery Team will explain each procedure to you in more detail during the consultation process and again prior to your surgery to ensure you fully understand what the surgery will entail.
How Long Does the Surgery Take?
A Mommy Makeover Procedure takes anywhere from 2 to 5 hours to perform and depends on the number and complexity of the procedures performed, and the extent of work that is required.
What should I expect from the recovery after
Following your surgery, you can expect to feel a little tired from the effects of the anesthetic, and will initially experience some discomfort, swelling and bruising. Specialized compression garments will be applied if required to support your new shape, help you feel more comfortable, and to minimize swelling. You will also be given post-operative medications to minimize discomfort.

Most women are able to resume regular activities within 2 weeks after surgery. To allow proper
healing and to achieve optimal cosmetic results, however, it is essential that you follow the post-operative care guidelines that will be given and explained to you before and after your surgery. Any strenuous exercise (which includes sexual intercourse) should be avoided during the first 6 weeks or until the SixSurgery Team medically clears you to resume such activities.
Will I have Scars after the surgery?
A degree of scarring after any surgery is inevitable. However, the SixSurgery Team is renowned for their minimal scars and will make every effort to ensure that your incisions heal beautifully. Wherever possible, we will also carefully place incisions where they are either well concealed on your body or can be easily hidden by clothing. Most women are so pleased with the outcome of their surgery that scars are not a concern.
How Long does it Take to See the Results from a
Mommy Makeover?
There will be an immediate and obvious difference to your appearance after surgery. The final outcome will become more apparent as post-operative swelling dissipates and the body or breasts settle down during the first three months after surgery.
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