Breast Augmentation FAQs
Does Dr. Jugenburg prefer silicone or saline?
We use both, about 50% split

We like Saline because when they rupture you know it.

However both are good and safe and look the same

The difference between silicone and saline is in the feel, not the look

Despite what you may have read on the Internet) and in most patients who have enough of their own breast tissue to cover the implants, you can’t tell at all who has silicone or saline

We love the NEW Ideal Implant because it is a saline based implant that has features of a silicone. It has the best of both worlds.
Which implants do you use? Are they the best?
We use mostly Allergan Inspira. The newest and best silicone implants in the world. We also carry Mentor implants for patients who prefer those. Most recently, we introduced an Ideal Implant, the latest generation of breast implants on the market. These are saline based implants that look and feel like silicone implants. They carry the best of both silicone and saline implants.
How are you prepared to deal with any medical emergencies?
We are a fully certified facility and as such we are prepared to deal with any and all emergencies like any hospital would. If needed, we can transfer our patients either to the nearest hospital (St. Michael’s hospital is only 5 min away) or to Humber Hospital where Dr.Jugenburg has privileges and is able to look after you.
Does the surgical fee include any re-operation fees?
We are confident in our work. Should you experience any problems after your breast augmentation procedure, we will take care of you, at no extra cost.

Any re-operation that is required to correct any deviations from the desired goal,
capsular contracture or implant malposition immediately after surgery are covered.

Implant leak or rupture within the first year of the surgery is fully covered.

Implant leak or rupture after 1 year are covered by a lifetime warranty by the implant manufacturer, you will cover the cost of anesthesia.
Re-operations which are not covered in the initial fee:

Changing your implants to a bigger or a smaller size

Changing the type of implant

Correcting breast changes related to pregnancy, weight gain or loss. Please remember your body will continue to change and age after your breast augmentation surgery, and the same applies to your breasts. Your breast may change shape, volume, and position over time. Any future ‘touch ups’ to correct these changes are not covered.

Over time gravity will displace your implants. Your breasts fall downward when you stand, and to the side when you’re lying down. This is normal.
What is the most common re-operation by Dr.Jugenburg?
When implants are placed under the muscle, the asymmetric muscle anatomy (this is normal) may mean that one implant is being held higher than the other. It may need help to bring itdown when post surgical massage fails to equalize the implants.
Please note that some asymmetry is normal and no two breast will EVER be perfectly symmetrical.
What proportion of Dr. Jugenburg’s work is cosmetic?
Dr. Jugenburg’s practice is virtually all cosmetic. He maintains his hospital privileges so thatcan continue to perform breast reconstruction for cancer patients, one of his passions.
How long does it take for the implants to settle, and for me to see the final results?
99% of implants settle after 3 months. Rarely it takes longer (it could take up to a year)
Do you recommend going over or under the muscle?
We perform 95% under the muscle because of it’s lower capsular contracture rate. However in some situations we do recommend going over the muscle. Most common reason for goingover the muscle is when the patient does not want to affect her pectoral muscle function, doesnot want animation deformity, or specifically wants the overfilled fake look possible only when implants are over the muscle.
What incision/technique does Dr. Jugenburg use?
We use all three incisions. The decision about which one to use is based on your anatomy. While most surgeons only use the breast fold incision (it is the easiest technique), Dr. Jugenburg will examine you and then determine which one is best for you.
Our statistics are: 40% breast fold, 20 % around areola, 40% through the armpit
Should I strengthen my pectoral muscles before the surgery?
No. Building up chest muscle is not helpful
Are There Any Non-Surgical Methods to Increase Size?
Your breast size is controlled by genetics and the pituitary gland in your brain. The followingare NOT alternative to Breast Augmentation

Supplements and creams (products that sound too good to be true, usually are)

Rubbing or squeezing your breasts
Augmentation and will have no affect on your breast size. The following may affect your breast size, but are not an alternative to Breast Augmentation:

When taking the birth control pill, some women’s breasts will become enlarged, whileother women’s breasts will not. Such a change is unpredictable and is considered a sideeffect of hormonal fluctuations.

Pregnancy increases breast size only for the duration of the pregnancy and nursing period (if breastfeeding).

There is no known way to use weight gain to only increase the size of your breasts (i.e., without also increasing your overall body size).
Am I a candidate
To be a good candidate for a Breast Augmentation, click here to see if you have any conditions that may prevent you from having your procedure done at our clinic.
How much is a Breast Augmentation Procedure
Please see the Breast Augmentation fees by clicking here