• Over 20 years in practice
  • Over 13,000 breast and body surgeries perfomed
  • Able to achieve smaller incisions, leading to more natural looking results
  • Trained by global programs on the latest implant techniques

Breast Augmentation

Alternative Names : Breast Implants, Augmentation Mammoplexy, Augmentation, Boob Job

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Summary of Breast Augmentation

Cost :
$10,500 + (saline), $12,800 + (silicone)
Surgery Length:
1 - 3 Hours
Anesthesia :
Local or General Anesthesia
Recovery :
2 - 3 Days - Return to Work
Breast Augmentation has remained the #1 cosmetic procedure in North America for many years. Many women intimately associate their breasts with a sense of femininity; and seek out a breast augmentation to increase fullness, achieve rounder cleavage, replace volume lost after pregnancy and weight loss, and to achieve overall body aesthetic balance and proportion. We pay attention the breast augmentation scars, incision sizes and look.

Known to provide the best breast implants in Toronto, our highly skilled SixSurgery team is equipped with elite technical skill and surgical finesse to ensure that your Breast Augmentation procedure is tailored to your unique vision and is sure to be a smooth process from start to finish. We specialize in Breast Augmentations while providing smaller incisions, more tailored results and shorter recovery times.

The SixSurgery Approach to Breast Augmentation

A woman may consider a Breast Augmentation at SixSurgery for many reasons:
2 CM Incision
30 Minutes
Shorter Recovery
Scarring and recovery time are two significant factors influencing a woman’s decision of whether or not to undergo a breast augmentation. SixSurgery surgeons combine state of the art technique and a unique surgical approach to offer the Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation, which minimizes scarring, reduces surgery length, and accelerates recovery time.

Typically, breast augmentation surgery will leave you with a 4-8 cm scar. This can be a discouraging fact for some women and ultimately deter them from wanting the procedure. The SixSurgery team understands your desire for discrete scarring, and through years of experience and innovation developed a unique surgical solution — The Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation. This technique is performed with a small 2 cm incision for saline implants and a 2.5-3 cm incision for silicone.

The miniature scar is not the only benefit of this elite surgical method. The fine-tuned technique can be performed in half an hour under local or general anesthesia, as opposed to the typical one to two hours that a traditional breast augmentation will take. While recovery looks different for everyone, this approach has proven quicker recovery times, where patients may return to regular activities in 5-7 days and resume more strenuous activities in approximately six weeks.
Traditional Breast Aug
4-8 cm
2-3 cm
1-2 Hours
30 Mins
4-8 cm
2-3 cm
Take 60-Second Assessment

What is Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation, alternatively known as Augmentation Mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure where an implant is placed underneath the breast tissue. A breast augmentation is used to enhance or restore the volume and shape of your breasts. While each body is beautiful in its own right, some women feel deprived of their femininity when genetically predisposed to smaller breasts or when the breast shape and fullness they once had diminishes.

Are You a Candidate


Some women are born with breasts that appear small or disproportionate to the rest of their body. While this is perfectly normal and acceptable, it may be negatively impacting your self-esteem. If this is the case, breast augmentation could be the perfect solution for you.

Breast Deflation

Breast deflation (loss of fullness) can occur under several circumstances. Some women notice reduced breast fullness following pregnancy and breastfeeding. Other women notice a significant decrease in breast volume after weight loss. Breast deflation and loss of firmness is also a natural process that may take effect with aging. If you notice that your breasts have lost the shape and firmness that they once possessed, breast augmentation can help bring them back to life by adding youthful fullness.

Disproportionate or Uneven Breasts

You may perceive your body as disproportionate or you find that your breasts appear unevenly positioned.

Weight Loss

Congratulations! You have made the choice to prioritize your health and get into shape. Unfortunately for many, this also results in fat loss in the breasts. If this has been the case for you, a breast augmentation will allow you to restore your breasts without having to compromise additional weight elsewhere.


Perhaps you are a breast cancer survivor and have had to undergo a mastectomy as part of your treatment. If this has taken a toll on your confidence, a breast augmentation can help to be a great resolution.
All of our patients must be in optimal health before going forward with the surgery
You must maintain a healthy weight with a BMI ofless than 30
You must not be taking an immunosuppressant medication
If you are diabetic and require insulin regulation, we will be unable to perform your surgery in our private facility and will alternatively need to refer you to a hospital based colleague
You must not have malignant hyperthermia
Take 60-Second Assessment
To learn more about whether you are a good candidate for a procedure with the SixSurgery team
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Breast Implant Decisions

There are several considerations to be made during the breast augmentation process. While each step will be addressed during your initial consultation, the SixSurgery Team puts emphasis on empowering the patient with the information needed to enhance your understanding of the surgery.

Consider your pre-operative consultation a time in which you and your plastic surgeon work together to construct the ultimate plan to achieve your desired result. By the end of your consultation, you will have agreed upon an implant with a specific filler, width, volume, and shape. Here is a Side by Side Comparison on Breast Implant Options:

Catered to You

Your surgeon will use their extensive experience and cosmetic artistry to help you choose the perfect implant. Some factors which will be taken into consideration include:
You must maintain a healthy weight with a BMI ofless than 30
Amount of sagging or drooping (ptosis) of existing breasts
Desired look – natural or fake
Body shape and size
Amount and integrity of natural breast tissue
Lifestyle and physical activity
Type of Implant


Silicone breast implants contain a highly durable, elastic silicone shell prefilled with a viscous medical grade silicone gel which has a consistency similar to that of natural breast tissue. Available in a wide range of sizes and profiles, silicone can be a great option for achieving your desired result. Previously, silicone implants had a bad reputation for causing safety concerns. The current generation of silicone implants are approved as safe as they contain a cohesive gel which mimics that of a gummy bear, giving them their colloquial name, “gummy bear implants.”


Saline implants are safe and natural, and are filled with salt-water which naturally exists in the human body. While the implant consists of saline, the shell is made with highly durable silicone. Available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, profiles and textures, there’s a saline implant to meet the needs of a vast array of surgical goals. Saline implants have the unique benefit of being filled with fluid after the implant has already been inserted under the breast tissue, allowing them to be placed through the smallest scar possible. This means the size of the implant does not influence the incision and ultimately the scar.
Content of Implant
A silicone shell with a cohesive gel fill.
A silicone shell with a saline (salt-water) fill.
Slightly Larger
Slightly Smaller (Preferred)
Set fill volume and sizes
Flexible fill volume that is adjustable during the procedure to achieve further symmetry
Chance of Rippling
Softer, More Natural Feel
Less Soft, these implants have the consistency of water
More expensive
Less expensive
Detection of Rupture
More difficult and removal of silicon may be required
Immediately detectable and saline will be safely absorbed by the body
FDA & Health Canada Approved
FDA & Health Canada Approved

Breast Implant Profiles

Breast implants come in two shapes, round or teardrop shaped (also referred to as anatomical shaped). Round implants are symmetrical while teardrop shaped implants have more volume and projection on the lower half, mimicking the shape of a natural breast. While teardrop shaped implants provide a more natural look, most women prefer round implants for their balanced and full aesthetic.

Selecting your implant profile will determine the projection of your implant—in other words, how far your breast will protrude from your body. A low-profile implant achieves a flatter and more natural look, while a higher profile implant will create a more prominent breast and a fuller, rounder look.

Factors that may come into play when deciding on your profile size include the current width of your breasts as well as personal preference and surgical goals.

Breast Implant Decisions

The two main FDA-approved manufacturers of breast implants are Allergan and Mentor; implants from both manufacturers are available at our clinic. Allergan and Mentor have years of research experience and a high safety standard. A wide range of reliable and durable silicone and saline implants that vary by implant density, profile, shape and/or texture are available from each manufacturer.

For more information on the manufacturers and their specific products, Click here.

All Breast Augmentation procedures initially involve the careful placement of a small incision through which a breast pocket is then created. At the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute the incision can be made in one of three possible places on a woman’s body:

40% of procedures implement the incision in the breast fold, 20% make the incision around the areola, the armpit is used as the incision site in 40% of Breast Augmentations. What incision site is best for you?
Alternatively known as the breast fold incision, this incision is made where the breast meets the rib cage. The scar hides nicely within the breast fold under the breast tissue, and is very discrete.
The Trans-Axillary incision is made inside the armpit utilizing the natural fold that exists. The advantage to the Trans-Axillary incision is that it can only be seen when the arms are lifted and there are no scars on the breast.
This incision is administered along the edge of the areola. The skin is darker in this area allowing the scar to hide within the natural colour transition.
Breast Augmentation involves the creation of a breast pocket that allows for the which a breast pocket is then placement of the breast implant. The breast pocket is an empty space either above or below the chest muscle (pectoralis major) into which the breast implant is inserted.The position of the implant above or below the chest muscle will influence the final appearance of the breast enhancement.

The breast pocket can be made in one of two places: under the breast itself (subglandular or sub-mammary), or under the chest muscle (submuscular or subpectoral). There are advantages and disadvantages for both approaches; a below the muscle placement can also be performed using one of three different variations.
Our exceptional SixSurgery team is experienced and skilled in a variety of breast augmentation surgical techniques. In your consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each technique and agree upon the method best suited to your breast anatomy and desired result.

Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation

Our Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation procedure uses the most advanced surgical techniques that leave you with a 2 cm scar (saline implant) or 2.5-3 cm scar (silicone implant). The incisions can be made in the breast fold (inframammary), the arm-pit (Trans-Axillary) or around the areola (periareolar). The entire procedure can be accomplished in 30 minutes leading to an expedited recovery time. Traditional methods leave behind a 4-8 cm scar and can take up to 2 hours. With these benefits it is no surprise that this is the most highly requested technique in our clinic.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a procedure where fat is removed from other areas of your body using Liposuction and then reinjected into the breasts. This procedure is an ideal alternative for someone who does not want to introduce implants into their body and is looking for a subtle size increase. This surgical technique yields natural results and a soft natural feel. While this method of augmentation has its advantages, it is important to note that it will only bring you up approximately half a cup size to one cup size.

Breast Asymmetry

Asymmetrical breasts can significantly affect a woman’s self-esteem making it a common reason that women consider Breast Augmentation. Creating symmetry in the chest is a a more intensive procedure than a simple Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift making it obligatory that this specific procedure is carried out by a reputable reconstructive surgeon. The SixSurgery Team has a strong background in Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer  and our surgeons possess the surgical expertise to strategically correct any degree of breast asymmetry. Click here to learn more about breast asymmetry.

Breast Lift or Augmentation Mastopexy

As you age, it is not uncommon to find that your breasts have lost their youthful shape, elasticity and fullness. This can hinder a woman’s confidence and leave you feeling discontent with the shape, size and position of your breasts. Augmentation Mastopexy or alternatively known as Augmentation Breast Lift, is a comprehensive procedure that will transform the appearance of deflated, sagging breasts and restore shape and volume. This surgical procedure can provide confidence boosting results for women with:
Drooping or sagging breasts
Nipples and areolas that point downward
Asymmetrical breasts

Bloodless Breast Augmentations

An innovative new surgical technique to eliminate the most common problem associated with breastimplants: blood.

Cost of Breast Augmentation

Discover real patients just like you. Discover real patients just like you. Discover real patients just like you.
Round Implants
Round Implants
Fat Transfer
(+ $3300 when added to a liposuction procedure)
Round Implants (NOT AVAILABLE
(Ideal Implant)
Breast augmentation and a Lift
$12,600 – 14,600+
Breast augmentation revision
(initial surgery done by another surgeon)
$10,800 – $16,100+
depending on the type of repair required

How Your Cleavage Will Look After Breast Augmentation

Our job is to enhance not fabricate
Our patients commonly inquire about how their cleavage will change after a breast augmentation and whether it will become narrower. It is important to understand that the procedure will not significantly alter your cleavage. The reason for this is because we place the implant directly behind the nipple. This means, if you have naturally wide set breasts, your implants will be placed wider apart.

If implants are placed too close together in an attempt to tighten the cleavage, they will sit unnaturally under the medial portion of the breast while the rest of your breast tissue falls to the side due to the curvature of the implant. This will ultimately force your nipples to appear sideways, creating an unnatural and unaesthetically pleasing result. For this reason, we perform all breast augmentations in a way that aligns the implant with your existing tissue to ensure favorable outcomes.
More on Breast Augmentation Cleavage


Permanent scar remains after surgery where each incision was placed. Dr. Jugenburg is an expert at creating minimal scars that are beautifully concealed and virtually undetectable. The technique that is chosen for your surgery will therefore depend on:
Your existing breast anatomy
Personal goals
The intended position of your breast implants (above or below the chest muscle)
The profile and size of your breast implants

Breast Augmentation Safety

As with any surgical procedure, no matter how routine, Breast Augmentation is associated with potential complications. At the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute we take many safeguards during surgery to minimize your risk of developing problems and ensure the best possible recovery. Although extremely rare, thereafter, complications with breast implants can occur weeks, months or even years later and include:
Capsular Contracture Formation
Breast Implant Infection
Implant Rupture and Deflation

The Current State of Breast Augmentation

Most of our patients have no problems with their implants and continue to enjoy having the breasts they have always desired. Current generation implants are made from an extremely durable silicone shell to decrease the risk of implant leakage or rupture. In the case of silicone-filled implants, the amount of silicone released across the shell (silicone-gel bleed) is limited to:
1 MIllion 100
More than a million times less than established safety limits (based on the results of FDA reviewed studies).
More than a hundred times less than the amount of silicone absorbed from daily exposure to common consumer products containing silicone, such as antiperspirants, skin lotions and hair care products.
However, if any breast implant is found to be defective (leak or rupture), since all our implants come with a lifetime warranty, you will receive a brand new implant to replace the damaged one.

Alternative Procedures

Alternatives to breast augmentation may include:
Fat Transfer
Fat transfer breast augmentation is a procedure where fat is removed from other areas of your body using Liposuction and then reinjected into the breasts. This procedure is an ideal alternative for someone who does not want to introduce implants into their body and is looking for a subtle size increase.
Your existing breast anatomy
Personal goals
The content of your breast implants (saline or silicone)
The profile and size of your breast implants
The intended position of your breast implants (above or below the chest muscle)
Augmentation Mastopexy
Over time, breasts lose their youthful perkiness, elasticity and fullness, leaving some patients feeling unhappy and discontent with the shape, size and position of their breasts. At some point in time, most women will ask themselves: should I think about getting a breast augmentation? Augmentation Mastopexy (or Augmentation Breast Lift)is the ultimate procedure to transform the appearance of deflated, shapeless, sagging breasts and restore timeless beauty to a women’s figure. The procedure is a combination of a Breast Augmentation and a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) and can benefit women who have:
Dropping or sagging breasts
Nipples and areolas that point downward
Asymmetrical breasts
The Breast Lift entails the removal and tightening of excess skin to achieve a natural, uplifted, youthful appearance of the breasts. When combined with the placement of breast implants, the volume and shape of the breasts is also restored or enhanced. Furthermore, with the advanced surgical techniques ably employed by Dr. Jugenburg, scarring is minimal.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

How many procedures does Dr. Jugenburg perform per year?
We perform about 500 breast augmentation surgeries a year, and about 200 breast augmentations with breast lift per year. This ranks Dr. Jugenburg as one of the top 5 Breast Augmentation specialists in the country. Dr. Jugenburg has performed thousands of procedures during his surgical career.
Does Dr. Jugenburg prefer silicone or saline?
We use both, about 50% split
We like Saline because when they rupture you know it.
However both are good and safe and look the same
The difference between silicone and saline is in the feel, not the look
Despite what you may have read on the Internet) and in most patients who have enough of their own breast tissue to cover the implants, you can’t tell at all who has silicone or saline
We love the NEW Ideal Implant because it is a saline based implant that has features of a silicone. It has the best of both worlds.
Which implants do you use? Are they the best?
We use mostly Allergan Inspira. The newest and best silicone implants in the world. We also carry Mentor implants for patients who prefer those. Most recently, we introduced an Ideal Implant, the latest generation of breast implants on the market. These are saline based implants that look and feel like silicone implants. They carry the best of both silicone and saline implants.
How are you prepared to deal with any medical emergencies?
We are a fully certified facility and as such we are prepared to deal with any and all emergencies like any hospital would. If needed, we can transfer our patients either to the nearest hospital (St. Michael’s hospital is only 5 min away) or to Humber Hospital where Dr.Jugenburg has privileges and is able to look after you.
Does the surgical fee include any re-operation fees?
We are confident in our work. Should you experience any problems after your breast augmentation procedure, we will take care of you, at no extra cost.
Any re-operation that is required to correct any deviations from the desired goal, capsular contracture or implant malposition immediately after surgery are covered.
Implant leak or rupture within the first year of the surgery is fully covered.
Implant leak or rupture after 1 year are covered by a lifetime warranty by the implant manufacturer, you will cover the cost of anesthesia.
Re-operations which are not covered in the initial fee:
Changing your implants to a bigger or a smaller size
Changing the type of implant
Correcting breast changes related to pregnancy, weight gain or loss. Please remember your body will continue to change and age after your breast augmentation surgery, and the same applies to your breasts. Your breast may change shape, volume, and position over time. Any future ‘touch ups’ to correct these changes are not covered.
Over time gravity will displace your implants. Your breasts fall downward when you stand, and to the side when you’re lying down. This is normal.
What is the most common re-operation by Dr.Jugenburg?
When implants are placed under the muscle, the asymmetric muscle anatomy (this is normal) may mean that one implant is being held higher than the other. It may need help to bring itdown when post surgical massage fails to equalize the implants.

Please note that some asymmetry is normal and no two breast will EVER be perfectly symmetrical.
What proportion of Dr. Jugenburg’s work is cosmetic?
Dr. Jugenburg’s practice is virtually all cosmetic. He maintains his hospital privileges so thatcan continue to perform breast reconstruction for cancer patients, one of his passions.
How long does it take for the implants to settle, and for me to see the final results?
99% of implants settle after 3 months. Rarely it takes longer (it could take up to a year)
Do you recommend going over or under the muscle?
We perform 95% under the muscle because of it’s lower capsular contracture rate. However in some situations we do recommend going over the muscle. Most common reason for goingover the muscle is when the patient does not want to affect her pectoral muscle function, doesnot want animation deformity, or specifically wants the overfilled fake look possible only when implants are over the muscle.
What incision/technique does Dr. Jugenburg use?
We use all three incisions. The decision about which one to use is based on your anatomy. While most surgeons only use the breast fold incision (it is the easiest technique), Dr. Jugenburg will examine you and then determine which one is best for you.

Our statistics are: 40% breast fold, 20 % around areola, 40% through the armpit
Should I strengthen my pectoral muscles before the surgery?
No. Building up chest muscle is not helpful
Are There Any Non-Surgical Methods to Increase Size?
Your breast size is controlled by genetics and the pituitary gland in your brain. The followingare NOT alternative to Breast Augmentation
Supplements and creams (products that sound too good to be true, usually are)
Sleeping position
Wearing a bra (or not)
Rubbing or squeezing your breasts
Sex (or lack of sex)
Pumps and machines
Augmentation and will have no affect on your breast size. The following may affect your breast size, but are not an alternative to Breast Augmentation:
When taking the birth control pill, some women’s breasts will become enlarged, whileother women’s breasts will not. Such a change is unpredictable and is considered a sideeffect of hormonal fluctuations.
Pregnancy increases breast size only for the duration of the pregnancy and nursing period (if breastfeeding).
There is no known way to use weight gain to only increase the size of your breasts (i.e., without also increasing your overall body size).
Am I a candidate
To be a good candidate for a Breast Augmentation, click here to see if you have any conditions that may prevent you from having your procedure done at our clinic.
How much is a Breast Augmentation Procedure
Please see the Breast Augmentation fees by clicking here
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