Brazilian Butt Lift

Alternative Names: BBL, Fat Transfer, Butt Augmentation, Buttock Enhancement Surgery, Skinny BBL

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brazilian butt lift results afterbrazilian butt lift results after
brazilian butt lift resultsbrazilian butt lift results after

Summary of Brazilian Butt Lift

Cost :
$13,800-$24,100 (with lipo360) +
Surgery Length:
2 - 3 Hours
Anesthesia :
General Anesthesia
Recovery :
1 - 2 Weeks from work
6 Weeks before physical exercise
On the rise, the Brazilian Butt Lift has become one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic surgery practices over the last several years. While this is often credited to the “Kardashian effect”, the hourglass curve is certainly on its way back in style, and isn’t going anywhere soon. A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a body contouring procedure to
give you more beautiful curves by relocating your excess fat to more desirable places; achieving a contoured, firm and natural-looking result. With two procedures in one, you get the benefit of removing and enhancing.

Renowned to be one of the top brazillian but lift Toronto clinics, the SixSurgery team has been performing Brazilian Butt Lifts since 2008. Most notably Dr. Miami, a surgeon made famous by his incredible BBLs, has applauded the team’s technique, and even added Dr. Jugenburg (AKA Dr.6ix) to his BBL Group, a team of surgeons who share techniques to perfect and advance the art of the Brazilian
Butt Lift.
*Please note we have a strict BMI requirement of below 25 and patients must be under 50 years of age for BBL consultations. No exceptions will be made. Read below to understand why.*

Why a BBL by Dr. Six

Dr. Jugenburg is recognized as one of the top Brazilian Butt Lift surgeons in Canada

Incorporating Dr. Miami’s refinements into his own BBL technique, Dr. 6ix now has patients from around the world requesting to have their BBL performed by the SixSurgery team. Performing more BBL surgeries than any other clinic in Canada, the SixSurgery team has results that speak for themselves.

Dr. Jugenburg is also the first surgeon in Canada to utilize the fat auto-infuser used by Dr. Miami and many other Brazilian Butt Lift experts around the world. The Autoinfuser (Butt-0-Matic 6ix000) allows the SixSurgery team to inject large volumes of fat with greater ease and better sculpting ability. This technique, learned from Dr. Miami has already helped the SixSurgery team take their BBL results to the next level.
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Reduced infection risk compared to alternative butt enhancement procedures
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Less recovery time with reduced risks of delayed wound healing
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No large incisions required - All incisions are a few millimeters in size
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Natural look and feel using your own fat
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Contour your waist and remove fat from other unwanted areas in the same procedure at your buttock enhancement
Take 60-Second Assessment

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure where fat is taken from areas of excess, is processed, and then injected into the buttocks to:

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Add volume
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Shape the roundness
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Create an illusion of a lift by adding more volume to the upper part of the butt
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Help to shape the waist by taking away your love handles, creating a beautiful hourglass figure

BBL is based on fat grafting, which involves removing a patient’s own fat from one part of the body and re-implanting it where it’s needed – in this case, the buttocks.

A BBL is NOT a Butt Augmentation procedure NOR is it a Butt Lift.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is actually a two-part surgical procedure:

liposuction drawing
Fat is extracted from the donor side (stomach, hips, thighs)
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Fat is cleaned and purified through centrifugation
fat injection in the butt
The fat is injected smoothly and evenly to sculpt the buttocks

Part 1:

During Part 1 of the surgery, fat is liposuctioned from areas of the body where it is in excess. This provides the added benefit of removing excess fat from other parts of the body, improving the patient’s overall proportions. Usually, several tiny incisions are made to access the fatty areas where liposuction will be performed. The fat is removed via liposuction, and it is then processed and purified in the operating room. Then the second stage of the surgery begins.

Part 2:

This part of the procedure involves multiple injections of the patient’s own fat back into the buttocks, where it is sculpted by your surgeon, making the buttocks larger and rounder. Once the appropriate amount of fat is injected, the procedure is complete. After the procedure, patients will experience swelling and bruising, but this will subside after a few weeks. The discomfort from the surgery will be managed by pain medication prescribed by the SixSurgery team. The results are immediate, but the buttocks will be at their largest right after the procedure and will slightly decrease in size as you heal from the surgery. The final result and size of the new butt will be visible after a full three months of healing.


The end result of a Brazilian Butt Lift is a more proportioned body with an hourglass figure, smaller waist and a fuller rounder butt.

brazilian butt lift before and after infographic

What to Expect from a Brazilian Butt Lift

It is important to understand the limitations of any fat transfer procedure. Although a dramatic change in your figure can be achieved with a BBL, it is important to know that not all of the fat transfered to the buttock will survive.

Recently, many BBL surgeons have started posting photos of their results showing a Before and After photo, where the After photograph is taken immediately after the completion of the surgery. While these results show a dramatic transformation, these are NOT the final results.

During the consultations, we explicitly disclose to our patients that right after the surgery all areas will be considerably swollen and the buttock enhancement will be larger than the final result expected. Over the next 3 months, fat which has not survived the procedure is slowly cleared out of the body. About 50% of fat does not survive; This is an estimate that most reputable fat grafting experts agree on. Fat that survives at three months is generally permanent and representative of your final result.

Are You a Good Candidate?

The key to being a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift is to have an adequate amount of fat in other areas of your body, and skin elasticity in your buttock region to accept the transferred fat. Your surgeon will remove excess fat from areas that may include the abdomen, love handles, thighs, hips, back or arms. This is the fat that will be removed via liposuction, purified and injected into the buttocks. Without enough available fat you may not be a candidate for the procedure.
Not all patients are good candidates for a BBL:
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Patients who have diabetes (decreased fat survival and risk of infections)
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Age over 50 (decreased fat survival)
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Patients who have diabetes (decreased fat survival and risk of infections)
If any of the above applies to you, SixSurgery will NOT be able to perform a BBL for you.
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Recovery Kits


Step to Surgery

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Step 1

During your consultation, we will examine you and discuss your goals with you. You will get an honest opinion on whether or not you are a good candidate and whether or not your goals can be achieved. See our Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After Gallery to review our previous work, and find previous patients who look like you to get an idea of what you can expect.

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Step 2
Booking Your Procedure

Once you have decided that you would like to undergo this surgery at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, you will be asked to provide us with recent blood work results to ensure you are healthy and suitable to undergo this butt enhancement procedure. Our nurses will be in touch with you and will guide you through all the steps necessary before your surgery.

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Step 3
Combining Procedures with a Brazilian Butt Lift

Patients often ask if they can have multiple areas liposuctioned, in addition to the areas typically used for the Brazilian Butt Lift. Additional areas can be added, at additional cost. There is a maximum, however, of how much liposuction can be safely performed in a single surgery. At SixSurgery we generally limit liposuction volumes to under 5L as higher volumes are associated with increased complications.

Another common question we receive is whether or not we can do a Tummy Tuck and a BBL at the same time. Although this is technically possible, we do not recommend this combination. After a Tummy Tuck you need to rest on your back, in a flexed position. After a Brazilian Butt Lift, we want you to lie on your stomach. Thus combining these to procedures makes the recovery extremely uncomfortable and may compromise the quality of your results.

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Step 4
What Can You Expect with Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The best way to determine if a tummy tuck is the right procedure for you is to have an initial consultation with our SixSurgery Consultation expert. You will have an opportunity to discuss your goals and expectations with the team, and ask any relevant questions you have about the surgery.

How to predict who will need a Tummy Tuck:
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Increasing age means less elastic skin
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Previous pregnancies (and thus significant skin stretching)
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Previous weight loss >30lbs (which can result in excess loose skin)
Need for a tummy tuck:
If one of the above applies to you
likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
If two of the above apply to you
likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
If all three apply to you
likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
If one of the above applies to you 30% likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
If two of the above apply to you 60% likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
If all three apply to you 90% likelihood that you will need a Tummy Tuck
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Step 5
Is Preparation Needed Before Surgery?
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You should discuss your medications with us during your consultation. The doctor/nurse may have you stop taking certain medications prior to your procedure.
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Do not smoke for at least two weeks before your procedure and two weeks after. Nicotine  can compromise circulation and delay healing, as do many of the other chemicals found in cigarette smoke.
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Drink a lot of water in the days leading up to your surgery.

Further instructions will be provided by the SixSurgery team.

Silicone Butt Implants Versus Brazilian Butt Lift

Prior to the popularization of the Brazilian Butt Lift, surgeons were using silicone implants to reshape the buttocks. These implants required a substantial incision, were associated with significant risks and complications, and the results often didn’t look natural. A Brazilian Butt Lift surgery offers many benefits over silicone implants, including:
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A more natural appearance
BBL uses the patient’s own fatty deposits to reshape the buttocks, resulting in a more natural appearance.
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Less painful recovery
A BBL is less painful than butt implant surgery and is the smart choice for patients worried about painful and long recoveries.
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Minimal scarring
The procedure has minimal scars; women are able to wear a bikini without showing evidence of this cosmetic procedure.
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Rounder, larger buttocks
The BBL allows doctors to create larger, fuller buttocks than with silicone implants, while helping to slim down the areas where there was an excess of fat.
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No implant-related complications
Complications from silicone implants include infection, displacement, visibility of the implant, leakage, ruptures and hardening of the implant. These complications are avoided with the Brazilian Butt Lift. Once fully healed, there are no future complications you need to worry about.

Brazilian Butt Lift Versus Traditional Butt Lift

In a traditional butt lift, the doctor removes excess or sagging skin that is due to weight loss, gravity or the aging process. After making incisions, the skin over the buttocks is raised and tightened, making the buttocks look less saggy, dimpled or wrinkled.

In the Brazilian Butt Lift, the patient’s own fat is injected into the buttocks, making them larger, rounder and shapelier. A BBL does not lift the butt, it reshapes it, thus it is not ideal for patients who need an actual lift of their buttock area due to excess skin.

Recovery Process

We work with trusted specialists to ensure you have everything you need post-surgery Recovery Market Post-Surgery BBL: Find high-quality garments, absorbent pads, shaping boards, waist trainers, specialized pillows, bed pan, foams and gel.
butt lift recovery chart

How to See The Best Results from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Following your post operative instructions is imperative in achieving the best possible results.
Watch your backside

It is very important to avoid sitting on your buttocks as much as possible in the first few weeks after surgery. In order to take direct pressure off the bottom, you should sleep on your stomach or on your sides. When sitting, try to have your weight placed on your thighs, rather than your buttocks.


You should be up and walking the day following your surgery. To help improve the shape of the buttocks, expedite healing and minimize the amount of fluid collection, patients are often encouraged to wear a compression garment for up to six weeks after the surgery.

Massage after liposuction

Massage of the liposuctioned areas is crucial to ensure smooth results. We have a qualified massage therapist on site to help you with massage, improve your results, and teach you how to massage yourself at home.

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Monitoring for infection

Following fat injection, infection of the injected fat is a possible risk and it is important that if there are any early signs of infection, that you notify us and we are able to start strong antibiotics as soon as possible. Things to watch for are: night sweats, chills, fever, areas of the butt that are hotter, redder, more tender than other areas of the butt. If any of these occur, please notify us immediately.

With the benefit of being located in the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, our patients are within reach for close monitoring. SixSurgery nurses will see you the day after your surgery and at specified intervals during the weeks that follow. This is done so that the staff can personally monitor your recovery process, and to ensure that you have the best results possible.

One of the major benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift is that there are no major incisions, which means minimal scarring. Patients will be bikini ready in no time.

Cost of Brazilian Butt Lift

Additional liposuction depending on the area and amount of excess fat to be liposuctioned.
$ 13,800+
One area of liposuction
With lipo360
Liposuction of the upper, lower abdomen, and flanks (love handles) are the most common areas of liposuction for a BBL
liposuction body contouring cost sixsurgery
Surgical fee includes:
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1 Compression garment
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Lipo massage (up to 5 sessions with our RMT)
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1 Overnight stay at the Royal York Hotel (Note: Permitting there is availability in the hotel)
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Liposuction of predetermined areas (usually 2-3 areas, including abdomen and flanks)
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Fat purification
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Fat injection into the buttocks
Not included in the surgical fee:
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Liposuction of additional areas (please see the diagram below for applicable fees)
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Any future lipo and fat transfer to place additional volume into buttocks or other areas
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Skin excision in areas of excess skin
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Contour (dimple, cellulite, scar) corrections
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Additional garments

Risks and Complications

DANGER ZONE | Are BBL’s Dangerous? Does your surgeon know this?
Bleeding, which in rare instances could require hospitalization and blood transfusion. Blood clotsmay form under the skin and require drainage.
Skin irregularities
Skin irregularities, lumpiness, hardness and dimpling may result; some problems disappear withtime and from massage, other problems may persist and additional treatments may be necessary.
Infection is rare but may occur and treatment with antibiotics and/or drainage may be required.

Infection of loss of blood supply can lead to partial or complete nipple/areola loss, requiringreconstruction.
Wound dehiscence
Wound dehiscence (wound opening) may occur and is generally allowed to heal on its own.
Outpatient nursing
Outpatient nursing may be required to assist with the wound care.You may be required to travel toa local clinic for daily wound care.
Breast Asymmetry
No patient has perfectly symmetrical/identical breasts. Patients must understand that the surgerywill not create two identical breasts. Sometimes a procedure may even increase the visibility of anexisting asymmetry.
Numbness or increased sensitivity
Numbness or increased sensitivity of the skin over treated areas may persist for months. Localizedareas of numbness or increased sensitivity may be permanent.
Objectionable scarring
Objectionable scarring is rare, but possible and most often related to a family or personal historyof hypertrophic or keloid scarring.
Dizziness may occur during the first week following breast reduction surgery particularly uponrising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised whilewalking. Do not drive a car if you are experiencing dizziness.
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Dizziness may occur during the first week following breast reduction surgery particularly uponrising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised whilewalking. Do not drive a car if you are experiencing dizziness.
Is Preparation Needed Before Surgery?
You should discuss your medications with us during your consultation. The doctor/nurse may have you stop taking certain medications prior to your procedure. Do not smoke for at least two weeks before your procedure and two weeks after. Nicotine can compromise circulation and delay healing, as do many of the other chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Drink a lot of water in the days leading up to your surgery.
What happens in the operating room?
First you will be given an anesthetic to make you relax and fall asleep. Next, the surgery takes place over 2-3 hours. There are two stages to the procedure. First-excess fat is extracted from areas of your body using liposuction. The fat is purified in the operating room, and then injected into the buttocks. This helps to produce rounder, fuller buttocks. Generally, the procedure takes about two hours from start to finish.
What is the recovery process?
Patients should be aware that the buttocks will be very sensitive for approximately 10 days following the procedure, and you will not be able to sit on your bottom during this time. Following this period, the sensitivity should subside and you will be able to resume your normal activities. Your buttocks will appear larger immediately after surgery and the final results will show about 3 months after the surgery has taken place. See RecoveryMarket for all BBL-specific post-surgery necessities.
Will I have scars?
One of the major benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is that there are no major incisions. That means minimal scarring. Patients can be assured that they will be able to wear a bikini and other revealing clothing without showing scars.
Is Brazilian Butt Lift the same as Butt Injections?
NO!!!! Butt Injections refer to injecting various substances such as silicone, Biogel PMMA and others. Only fat that is liposuctioned from the patient’s OWN body is injected during the Brazilian butt lift. Using anything else is extremely dangerous and illegal.
Are there any complications associated withBrazilian Butt Lift surgery?
As with all cosmetic surgeries, there are some risks involved. These risks include bleeding, infection, and collection of fluid under the skin, swelling and blood clots. Our operating suite is state-of-the-art, and we do everything possible to minimize risks associated with the surgery.
What is the difference between the Brazilian Butt Lift and a traditional butt lift?
In a traditional butt lift, the doctor removes excess or sagging skin that is due to weight loss, gravity or the aging process. After making incisions, the skin over the buttocks is raised and tightened, making the buttocks look less saggy, dimpled or wrinkled. In the Brazilian Butt Lift, the patient’s own fat is injected into the buttocks, making them larger, rounder and shapelier. A BBL does not lift the butt, it reshapes it, thus it is not ideal for a patient who is in need of significant skin removal.
How much does a Brazilian Butt Lift cost?
Please see our fees here.
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