Eyebow Lift FAQs
Who can benefit from a Browlift?
A Browlift procedure will elevate heavy, drooping eyebrows, improve forehead wrinkles and frown lines, and can lift excess, sagging upper eyelid skin. If any of these concerns affect you, you may benefit from a Browlift.
What is eyebrow ptosis?
This is the medical term for a drooping eyebrow. This can cause significant overhang of upper eyelid skin over the lashes and interfere with the visual function or appear unsightly. It usually occurs on both sides, but can be asymmetrical, appearing only on one side.
Am I a good candidate for a Browlift?
A suitable Browlift patient is generally in good health, a non-smoker, and is able to avoid blood-thinning medications for two weeks before surgery. He or she has low and heavy eyebrows, and may be aware of looking tired, angry, or worried much of the time.
Someone concerned with the following facial characteristics may be suitable for Browlift surgery:

Sagging or low positioning of eyebrows, which has created a sad appearance

Deep horizontal creases across the forehead

Frown lines, or furrows, between the eyebrows and high on the bridge of the nose
Someone concerned with the following characteristics may not be suitable for Browlift surgery:

Puffy bags beneath the eyes (Lower Eyelid Surgery may be a suitable option)

Unrealistic or unhealthy expectations

Fine lines across the forehead (Botox is generally a better option)

Hooded upper eyelids (Upper Eyelid Surgery may be a better option)
Why isn’t everyone suitable for endoscopic Browlift?
A variety of different techniques are available to a skilled cosmetic surgeon in order toapproach the needs of each patient on an individual basis. An Endoscopic Browlift may not be suitable for some patients, as it may, for example, result in elevating the patient’s hairline higher than is cosmetically desired. Moreover, if a patient is not a candidate for this procedure, it is because another surgical method would be a better option.
Am I too young for a Browlift?
There is no lower age limit for this procedure. Some patients have low brows at an early age, a feature that is often hereditary.
I think I have an unusually shaped forehead. Will I be suitable for a Browlift?
Different people have quite different physical characteristics and expectations. Beforeperforming a Browlift, our surgeons always take all necessary factors into account in order to achieve optimum results that will leave your appearance rejuvenated.
Will a Browlift give me a surprised look?
When done correctly, elevating the eyebrows will achieve a very natural and powerfulenhancement to your appearance. This will leave you looking more refreshed, relaxed and youthful.
Can you move a person’s hairline forward?
A modified Pretrichial Browlift can be used to lower the hairline, while still providing thebenefits of a standard Browlift. In this case, a narrow strip of excess skin is removed from just below the hairline, the scalp is stretched downward, and the hairline is lowered. With our surgeon’s surgical skills and meticulous closure techniques, thereafter the scar is often difficult to see.
What are the risks of a Browlift?
A Browlift is a surgical procedure, and all surgical procedures carry some risks. With regards to a Browlift, there are special considerations that need to be taken into account. These are dependent on which surgical technique is chosen and will be discussed during a pre-operative consultation with Dr. Jugenburg. Complications might include irritation of the nerve that provides sensation to the forehead, bleeding, and asymmetry between the two sides. Such complications are rare and usually resolve without leaving any long-lasting abnormalities. In some cases, further surgery may be required to ensure ideal results. Keep in mind that almost all patients have some temporary numbness of the forehead and/or scalp after surgery.
Can I achieve the effects of a Browlift by usingBotox?
Botox can be used to paralyze the muscles that keep the eyebrows low, allowing them to rise. This effect is mild, however – surgery is much more effective at raising the brows. The effects of Botox also last only a few months, whereas the effects of Browlift are generally permanent. Injection of a filler just beneath the brow might provide an alternative non-surgical approach to achieve mild brow elevation.
What other procedures might be suitable for me?
The various options available to you will be discussed in detail during a consultation with our consult staff. These will depend on your needs, expectations, face structure, and any previous surgery. Our team will determine the best approach to maximize your appearance.
Should I have a Browlift or Upper Eyelid Surgery?
Depending on your needs and expectations, the treatment required may be Browlift, Upper Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty), or possibl both procedures. The careful analysis performed by Dr. Jugenburg prior to surgery is essential in determining the best approach for each patient.
Can a Browlift be covered by insurance?
If visual function is impaired by sagging upper eyelid or brow skin, such that a Browlift and/or Upper Eyelid surgery is required out of necessity, an insurance company may reimburse the patient. The patient would need to see an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) first, to prove that excess skin actually interferes with their vision.
What kind of anesthetic will be used?
You will most likely be deeply sedated during the procedure, which means you will becompletely asleep and comfortable. In an occasional patient undergoing a Mid-forehead Browlift, local anesthesia may instead be used.
Will you need to cut my hair?
No, your hair will be left untouched.
How long will the Browlift procedure take?
Browlift procedures performed by our surgeons generally last one to two hours. Thistime frame can vary depending on the needs and desires of each patient.
How much pain will I have after surgery?
You will have mild soreness and tightness of your forehead. These symptoms are easily controlled with medications that Dr. Jugenburg will prescribe for you. Approximately 10% of patients have headaches for up to 24 hours after surgery.
Does a Browlift leave visible scars?
The technique that you and Dr. Jugenburg choose to perform your Browlift will be the one most likely to provide you with optimal results and the least visible scarring. In most cases, any scarring will fade over a period of three to six months after surgery and be completely hidden by hair.
How long does it take to recover from Browlift surgery?
Although most patients will be back on their feet after a few days, it is preferable to allow one to two weeks for swelling and bruising to resolve before returning to a normal routine. Strenuous exercise, any activity that raises your blood pressure, and exposure to the sun should be avoided for two weeks to a month after surgery. Recovery time may also vary from patient to patient depending on their physical fitness.
Do patients ever need another Browlift?
The benefits of Browlift surgery will last indefinitely, and revision surgery is rare. Occasionally, patients will want their brows raised even higher, which can be accomplished by revision surgery. When the average patient looks in the mirror, they’ll usually pay particular attention to how much brow elevation they think is necessary to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance. But the reality is that the maximum amount of elevation possible is 1 cm, at most. In most cases, even less elevation is actually needed.