
Labial Reduction, Labial Trimming, Labia Reduction, Labial Puff, Clitoral Hood Reduction

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Summary of Labia Reduction

$5,500 + (inner), $6,300 + (outer)
Surgery Length:
10 - 30 Minutes
Local or General Anesthesia
Back to Work: 1-2 Days
Discomfort: 1 Week
Healing: 3 Months
Although most women don’t talk about it, feeling uncomfortable and insecure about your labia is not uncommon. The team at SixSurgery has expertise in safe and simple labiaplasty procedures that take about 15 minutes and do not require general anesthesia.

For women, who feel anxious about having this procedure done awake, we also offer full anesthesia options. We also have female surgeon options.

As one of the leading experts on labiaplasty in Canada, Dr. Jugenburg and his team of expert surgeons have performed countless labiaplasty procedures and has taught procedure techniques to plastic surgeons from around the world.

Why Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty, although rarely spoken of, is one of the most googled cosmetic surgery procedures. This quick and simple procedure very effectively addresses the various concerns that some women have about their labia. Women may choose to have a labiaplasty performed by the SixSurgery team for the following reasons:
Do you suffer from?
Concerns with appearance due to the size, discoloration, or length of the inner or outer labia
Irritation during physical activity caused by pullingand discomfort
Pain, pulling and irritation during intercourse
Pain, pulling and irritation during intercourse
Labiaplasty Procedure
Changes to your labia following childbirth
Pre-operation incision Marks

What is a Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a relatively simple surgical procedure that reduces the size of the inner labia (labia minora). For many women who dislike the appearance of their labia, or who experience discomfort because of excessive labia tissue, this procedure can improve physical and emotional comfort. The surgery typically takes around 15-30 minutes to perform, and most patients experience a quick and easy recovery, returning to work within a day or two.

Deciding if you would like to have labiaplasty surgery is an important decision that our surgical team at SixSurgery can help you make. The Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute is a supportive and safe environment in which many women undergo labiaplasty surgery and achieve great results.

What is Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a relatively simple surgical procedure that reduces the size of the inner labia (labia minora). For many women who dislike the appearance of their labia, or who experience discomfort because of excessive labia tissue, this procedure can improve physical and emotional comfort. The surgery typically takes around 15-30 minutes to perform, and most patients experience a quick and easy recovery,returning to work within a day or two.

Deciding if you would like to have labiaplasty surgery is an important decision that our surgical team at SixSurgery can help you to make. The Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute is a supportive and safe environment in which many women undergo labiaplasty surgery and achieve great results.

Are you a Candidate?

If you are insecure about the appearance of your labia, or you experience discomfort because of the size or shape of your labia, you could be a good candidate for labiaplasty.

Take 60-Second Assessment

Procedure Technique

Labiaplasty Surgical Techniques
Many women experience physical discomfort or are uncomfortable with the appearance of longer labia minora (inner labia). Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that changes the shape and size of the labiain order to create a more symmetrical and tucked-in aesthetic and improved comfort. Most commonly a labiaplasty addresses the length of the labia minora (inner labia), however on occasion a labiaplasty can address the labia majora (outer labia) as well. There are a number of different labia reduction techniques that can be performed depending on the requirements of the patient. The technique that is right for you will be discussed at your consultation.
The Trim Technique
The Trim Technique is the type of labiaplasty most commonly performed by the SixSurgery team. During this procedure, a longitudinal section of the excess labia is removed in order to reduce the labia to an optimum length, creating a symmetrical shape. This is the most favoured labiaplasty technique as it has low complication rates that make recovery and healing a simple process for patients and the scars heal beautifully.
The Wedge Technique
The Wedge Technique minimizes scarring and produces very natural looking results, while maintaining the natural tissue border of the inner labia. This procedure is suitable for patients whose excess labia tissue only involves a small portion of the inner labia.
The Z-Plasty
The Z-Plasty labiaplasty is a variation of the Wedge Technique. The indications and contra-indications for this surgical procedure are identical to those of the Wedge method. With this procedure, patients maintain a natural labia edge and can achieve a modest change in labial length.
The Deepithelialization Technique
This procedure has been designed to maintain a completely natural looking labia and to preserve your capacity for sexual sensation. This procedure produces very little scarring but does have very limited applications and is only used in certain circumstances.

How much does Labiaplasty cost?

Inner Labiaplasty
$ 4300+
Outer Labiaplasty
$ 5300+

Costs will be adjusted according to anesthetic used and potential customization to the procedure.

Take 60-Second Assessment

Recovery Process


Your recovery depends greatly on the particular procedure. In most cases it is quick and patients are back to work within 1-2 days - occasionally additional time away from work may be required. We will provide you with a special pre and post-operative package that will give you all the information you need on how to have a safe and quick recovery.

Bruising and Discomfort

After labiaplasty surgery, you will have bruising, swelling, and minor discomfort in the groin area. Swelling and bruising will be most noticeable after the first day and will slowly subside over a period of 2 - 3 weeks. Some spotting after labia reduction is normal and should stop after a few days. Your stitches will be dissolvable and will not need to be physically removed. It will take 3 months for the labia to heal completely.

Suggested time off Work:

1 - 2 Days


Sexual Intercourse - 6 Weeks Post-op

Labiaplasty Risks and Complications

Although complications following Labia Reduction are infrequent; the following may occur:

Wound Healing
Wound Healing the labia are a delicate and moist area, and occasionally a small wound may open up at the surgical site. This generally heals well on its own with no significant change in the final result.
Bleeding requiring follow up care.
Asymmetry although symmetry is always the goal, perfect symmetry is never possible.
Infection is rare but may occur and treatment with antibiotics and/or drainage may be required. In rare instances surgery may be required for severe infection.
Removal of prominent labia
Removal of prominent labia may make the clitoris and the clitoral hood more noticeable.
Numbness of the skin over treated areas may persist for months. Localized areas of numbness or increased sensitivity may be permanent in rare instances.
Objectionable scarring
Objectionable scarring is rare because of the thin and delicate nature of labial tissue, but scar formation is possible.
Dizziness may occur during the first week following Labia Reduction surgery particularly upon rising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised while walking. Do not drive a car if dizziness is present.
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Deep Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Fat Embolism may occur. If left untreated they may be fatal.

Labiaplasty FAQs

Anyone undergoing cosmetic surgery will have some questions and concerns about the procedure. The SixSurgery team is always available to talk through any of the concerns that you might have. View the full gallery in person.

Am I a Labiaplasty Candidate?
If you are insecure about the appearance of your labia, or you experience discomfort because of the size or shape of your labia, you could well be a good candidate for labiaplasty.
How Long is the Procedure?
A labiaplasty surgical procedure typically takes around 15 – 30 minutes to perform.
How Long Does it Take to Recover from Labiaplasty Surgery?
Your recovery depends greatly on the particular procedure. In most cases it is quick and patients are back to work within 1-2 days – occasionally additional time away from work may be required. We will provide you with a special pre and post-operative package that will give you all the information you need on how to have a safe and quick recovery.
How Should I Prepare for Labiaplasty?
There is nothing you need to do physically to prepare for labiaplasty aside from smoking cessation and stopping any herbal supplements two weeks prior to your surgery. You should, however, be very mindful of exactly you want to achieve from the surgery in order to achieve the best results. In your consultation with the SixSurgery team, you will have the opportunity to discuss your surgical goals.
What can I Expect During my Recovery Period?
After labiaplasty surgery, you will have bruising, swelling, and minor discomfort in the groin area. Swelling and bruising will be most noticeable after the first day and will slowly subside over a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Some spotting after labia reduction is normal and should stop after a few days. Your stitches will be dissolvable and will not need to be physically removed. It will 3 months for the labia to heal completely.
When Can I Have Sex Again?
You should avoid sexual intercourse for 6 weeks.
Does Labiaplasty Surgery Affect Sexual Intercourse?
If you have large labia minor a which causes you discomfort during sexual intercourse, then labia reduction surgery may help to improve your comfort levels and sexual pleasure. A labiaplasty should not otherwise impact sexual function.
Will I Have Scars?
Yes, there will be some scarring, but the SixSurgery team will do everything to ensure that the scars are well hidden and as minimal as possible. Scars will also fade overtime and the labiaplasty scars in particular tend to heal well. After 3 months it will be very difficult if at all possible for the average person to see the labiaplasty scars.
Are There Risks Involved With Labiaplasty?
As with all surgical procedures, there are general risks involved with labiaplasty. With regards to labial reduction, there are special considerations that need to be taken into account. These include bleeding, infection, and breaking of the stitches which may lead to the opening of your wounds. Labiaplasty is, however, a very routine procedure, and complications are very rare.
Is Labiaplasty Reversible?
Once you reduce the size of the labia, it is very difficult to recreate it, and so you should be completely sure that you desire this surgery before committing to it.
How much does Labiaplasty cost?
Inner Labiaplasty – $ 4300+
Outer Labiaplasty – $ 5300+
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