Breast AugmentationBreast Lift (Mastopexy)Breast ReconstructionBreast ReductionTop SurgeryFat Transfer Breast AugmentationFarrah Abraham, an American reality show personality that gained fame through the “Teen Mom” reality series, recently made the headlines because of what appeared to be botched lip injections, and boy are they awful.
Farrah claimed that although she was interested in the procedure, she did little research on it. It seems as though it was a frivolous, snap decision on her part.
Apparently, this was a “newer” type of injection, where the implants are placed inside the patient’s lip. This idea appealed to her because it would eliminate the constant maintenance required from having fillers and provide a more permanent solution.
Farrah is no stranger to enhancements, so far she’s had her breasts enhanced, her cheeks filled, chin implants and a nose job, but this time, she was experimenting with a different type of work.
Unfortunately, Farrah overlooked one small detail in the procedure: the anesthetic.
She believes, she had a horrible allergic reaction to the anesthetic that was used on her before the procedure even took place. In the moment the numbing agent touched her lips, she immediately knew something had gone terribly wrong and shortly after, was rushed to the E.R .

In the photos her top lip is visibly swollen and looks extremely disproportionate to her bottom lip. The star jokingly compared herself to the cartoon character of Leela from Futurama, while trying to recover in the hospital, when in reality, she was fighting to stay alive.
Farrah claims she had received collagen injections many times, and enjoyed the temporary fuller lip look it gave her. She often tweets that she finds lip injections to be fun and temporary, and usually posts selfies pouting or smiling.
Has the star learned her lesson after this incident? Apparently not. She is now looking into butt injections.
One thing’s for sure; she’s definitely investing more time into researching her next surgery so that she can avoid risking her life in the future. Make sure you do the same when you're considering any type of cosmetic surgery, it could cost you your life!
The good news is, this is not a permanent allergic reaction and the swelling should come down and she should be back to normal.
Oh and the fact the she is looking into butt injections... horrible idea. Please do NOT ever get illegal butt injections.