Meet Dr. Jacqueline

Rose Makerewich

Dr. Jacqueline Rose Makerewich

Is a board certified plastic surgeon, with dual certification by both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Internationally trained Toronto Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon best known for her:

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Delicate and precise surgical technique with meticulous attention to detail
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Gentle and personalized approach to patient care
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Balanced and beautiful results that enhance natural features

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Education & Training

Dr. Jacqueline Rose Makerewich is a board certified plastic surgeon, with dual certification by both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. She completed her surgical training at Western University, and holds a fellowship designation from the University of Toronto. Dr. Rose received further extensive training from esteemed plastic surgeons in the United States and Europe on the latest techniques in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, thus her patients can be assured that her expertise is well rounded and in accordance with international practice standards.

Dr. Rose provides personalized care to each of her patients, fully appreciating that each individual has unique aesthetic goals. Her gentle, open-minded approach ensures that your questions and concerns are met throughout the entire process. Operating under the highest standards of surgical practice, Dr. Rose combines artistic excellence, precise surgical technique and strict safety standards to help make your desired vision a reality.

Dr. Jacqueline Rose Makerewich has authored many scientific manuscripts and has published her work in highly regarded Plastic Surgery journals. She has been invited to present her research at numerous national and international venues. She has been honored with various awards in the realms of basic science, high academic standing, and excellence in surgical technique. She is also passionate about education and is actively involved in the surgical training of medical students in affiliation with McMaster University. Dr. Rose is on active staff with the Sir William Osler Health System group and practices in Toronto, Brampton and Etobicoke.

Resume & Experience

Professional Employment

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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, William Osler Health System
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Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), McMaster University
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Clinical Fellow, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Toronto Western Hospital
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Resident Physician, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Western University

Certifications and Licenses

Professional Associations

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Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons
royal college of physicians and surgeons of canada logo
Fellow of The Royal  College of Physicians and Surgeons
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American Society for Surgery of the hand (ASSH)
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Ontario Medical Association (OMA)
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Canadian Medical Association (CMA)

Teaching And Leadership

Academic Awards & Honours


Presentations At National & International Scientific Meetings

Dr. Jacqueline Rose Makerewichdr. rose in surgery


Published Abstracts

Research in Progress

Dr. Jacqueline Rose Makerewich
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