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Regular massage in the first 3 months after liposuction helps to ensure optimal results and reduce healing time. Generally, the earlier, firmer, and more frequently you massage, the better the results and less painful the area will be. Without massage, uneven results may form.
Massage will vary depending on the nature of your liposuction, please follow the instructions given to you by your physician’s office or inquire with them if you are unsure. In some cases, massage isn’t advised or should be delayed.
How to Perform Post Liposuction Massage
Post Liposuction Massage Techniques
TECHNIQUE 1: General Flush
This technique will help with skin hypersensitization and increasing blood flow to the area. It can be started immediately post-op and should be done a minimum of 5 times per day.

Using the heel of your hand or flat part of your fingers when you make a fist, gently rub the skin in a circular motion.
TECHNIQUE 2: Rib Raking
The rib cage is a common area for problems since the bony structure of the ribs provides an easier site of attachment for unwanted fascia or scar tissue adhesions. Repeat this technique a few times on either side.

TECHNIQUE 3: The Pincer Grip
For patient’s early on in their recovery it might be difficult to actually grab the skin in some areas, as you may not have enough mobility back yet for this technique. Ultimately, this should be the goal when doing your post-op massage techniques, to get to this point of mobility.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

TECHNIQUE 4: Skin Rolling
This technique is mainly used through the sides of the body into your abdomen or on your back through the flanks and rib cage.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Liposuction Post-Op Massage Frequently Asked Questions
Post-Op Massage Frequently Asked Questions
Massage after abdominoplasty
Massage will vary depending on the nature of your liposuction
Abdomen and flanks – remove your binder to massage
Arms and legs – massage over your compression garment
Chin – do not massage
Arms and legs – massage over your compression garment
Chin – do not massage
Massage after VASER
If you have had VASER, massage is extra important as there is more fluid collection, resulting in a higher risk of seroma formation.
Massage after J-Plasma