Our Fully Accredited Surgical Facility

Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute Located Inside the Fairmont Royal York Hotel
Hidden inside the Fairmont Royal York Hotel is a fully equipped and certified Operating Room and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

Fairmont Royal York Hotel

This facility offers a luxurious, comfortable and private setting for consultations and surgery. Nestled above the valet parking area in the East Wing on Level B, we are located in a secluded area of the hotel for your privacy.
Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute
Located in: The Fairmont Royal York Hotel
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100 Front St West, Toronto, ON, M5J 1E3

The Operating Room Inside Royal York Hotel

Inside the Royal York Hotel hides a state of the art Operating Room and a full Surgical Facility. It features a fully equipped, Operating Room and a Recovery Area outfitted with the latest medical technology to ensure your safety and comfort. We use the latest technological advancements to minimize your pain, and allow you to return to your normal life as quickly as possible.
The Operating Room at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute has been designed and built to meet and exceed the latest guidelines and safety standards required in Ontario.

The Clinic

Inside the Royal York Hotel hides a state of the art Operating Room and a full Surgical Facility. It features a fully equipped, Operating Room and a Recovery Area outfitted with the latest medical technology to ensure your safety and comfort. We use the latest technological advancements to minimize your pain, and allow you to return to your normal life as quickly as possible.
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Humber River Regional Hospital

Dr.Jugenburg has hospital privileges at the Humber River Regional Hospital. For patients who request to have their surgery in a hospital, or who have medical conditions that require a hospital, Dr. Jugenburg can offer this brand new state of the art hospital to our patients.
Hospital Location
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Humber River Regional Hospital (Finch Site) 2111 Finch Ave West , Toronto, ON, M3N1N1
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hospital location
Hospital Location
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Humber River Regional Hospital (Finch Site) 2111 Finch Ave West , Toronto, ON, M3N1N1

What Makes This Facility Certified?

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Dr.Jugenburg has been assessed by a College-appointed experienced Plastic Surgeon to ensure his surgical practice meets with the College requirements
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Our surgeons have hospital privileges for all procedures performed at our surgery facility
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Our Facility has been thoroughly inspected (review of all equipment used in patient care, safety protocols, and procedural protocol)
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Our Facility provides a safe working environment, equipment and drugs that meet Canadian Safety Association standards
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Board Certified Anesthesiologists are used for deeper levels of anesthesia
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Nursing staff have their certifications up to date and maintain them through continuing medical education
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Our entire clinic undergoes regular inspections to ensure we are up to date in terms of our equipment, protocols, and professional certifications

Confidential Consultation

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