Breast AugmentationBreast Lift (Mastopexy)Breast ReconstructionBreast ReductionTop SurgeryFat Transfer Breast AugmentationDual Plane Breast Augmentation is a designated method where the breast implant is placed right underneath the pectoral muscle, whereas the lower part of that implant is sticking out and not entirely covered by the muscle. This is done by releasing the pectoral muscle insertion into the ribcage to allow the breast implant to sit below that insertion. This happens for many women because their breast naturally hang lower and if the pectoral muscle isn't released, the implant will be forced to sit too high and form a potential double bubble.
Releasing the pectoral muscle can be done in a variety of different ways. An article in the Plastic and Reconstructive Journal (April 2001) by Dr. Tebbetts describes the three different types of dual plane breast augmentations, as demonstrated in the graphic below.

Which type best suits you?
The answer depends on how much your breasts tend to hang against your chest, the amount of glandular breast tissue in your body and also whether or not the breast tissue sitting on top pectoral muscle needs to be repositioned in relation to the pec.
Dr. Jugenburg will examine you accordingly and explain to you which type and method will give you the best results.
To find out more, schedule your consultation by calling (647) 360-1975 or click here