Is Liposuction Safe? What To Expect, Risks, And More

Written By
Shawn Trumpfeller
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November 17, 2022

Everyone has areas of stubborn fat that get in the way of their ideal physique. It doesn’t matter how much diet and exercise you do, these areas will always have more fat cells, and the only solution is to remove those cells. One of the ways you can do this is will liposuction. If you’re considering this procedure, one of the most common questions you might be asking yourself is, “Is liposuction safe?”

We’re going to take you through the process and provide you with the most up-to-date information so you can make an informed decision and decide if this is the right path for you.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a thin tube called a cannula to suction fat from specific areas of the body. It's a popular choice for people who want to reshape their body. This surgery is performed by sculpting and contouring the areas of your body to permanently remove fat cells.

With liposuction, the surgeon can remove fat from all sorts of areas that might not have responded well to exercise, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Neck
  • Calves

Liposuction is a very popular procedure because it can help patients get their desired shape and contour, with minimal scarring.

Types of Liposuction

When considering if liposuction is safe, you should keep in mind that there are a few different liposuction techniques that can be used, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Some of the most common liposuction techniques include:

  • Tumescent liposuction - Tumescent liposuction is a popular and effective technique for removing fat because it results in less damage to surrounding tissues and it's more comfortable for patients. Your surgeon injects a sterile solution into the area consisting of saline, which is salt water, along with lidocaine and epinephrine. The solution makes it easier to suction the fat with less blood loss and pain.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction -  Sound wave energy is used to rupture the cell walls of the fat, which liquefies so it can be suctioned out. This procedure is minimally invasive with few side effects, and most people can resume their regular activities shortly after surgery
  • Laser-assisted liposuction - Or SmartLipo, is a revolutionary treatment that uses a laser to produce a burst of energy to liquefy the fat. This technology has been proven to be more effective than traditional liposuction and produces less pain and swelling.

Risks Involved

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks involved. That’s why it’s important to choose an experienced team like ours at SixSurgery that will take every risk into account to minimize adverse reactions and ensure you’re taken care of.

Some of the risks include:

  • Infection - Skin infections at the puncture site are rare, but if they're not treated promptly they can become a serious health problem.
  • Internal puncture - If your cannula is inserted too deeply into the patient, there is a risk that it may puncture an internal organ. In these cases, the cannula is removed immediately and emergency surgical repair may be required.
  • Contour irregularities - One of the potential side effects of liposuction is uneven fat removal, which can lead to bumpy, wavy or withered skin. Healing may be uneven, which can result in a permanent bumpy or spotted appearance.
  • Fluid accumulation - A seroma is a pocket of fluid that can form under the skin as your body’s fluids react and recover from the surgery. It's usually harmless and can be drained with a needle, but in some cases it may need to be drained with surgery.
  • Kidney and heart problems - When fluids are being injected and suctioned out of a patient's body, the level of fluid in the body can change quickly and potentially cause kidney, heart and lung problems. Be sure to ask your surgeon about the risks of using this type of procedure.

Serious Complications Are Rare

While these complications are rare, it is important to be aware of all of the possibilities before you choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure. It's also clear that procedures that take longer and remove more fat are more likely to lead to complications than those that are shorter and remove less fat. That's why it's important to discuss your options with our team who will be able to give you a personalized plan for your individual needs.

Final Verdict - Is Liposuction Safe or Not?

So, is liposuction safe? Liposuction is a major surgery that can remove a lot of unwanted fat from a person’s body. And just like any other surgery, there are steps and precautions that must be taken to ensure a smooth recovery.

Before Your Procedure
  • Choosing an experienced surgical team
  • Asking your surgeon about their history with the procedure
  • Proof of your surgeon’s successful procedures (reviews, before and after pictures)
  • Research all aspects of the procedure and recovery process

After Your Procedure
  • Follow ALL post operative instructions laid out by your surgical team
  • Use a compression bandage
  • Avoid strenuous exercise

Make sure to schedule a consultation with your surgeon before your procedure to discuss your individual needs and expectations. During the consultation, your surgeon will also be able to give you an estimate of how long the recovery process will be and what type of medications you will need to take afterward. This will help to come up with a plan in order to minimize your risk.

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