Should I Gain Weight Before My BBL?

Written By
Fiza Bashir
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March 16, 2024

Over the past two decades, the Brazilian butt lift has gained significant popularity, with procedures experiencing a surge of over 800% in the last decade alone. Should you gain weight prior to a BBL?

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has surged in popularity as a transformative cosmetic procedure, offering individuals a shapelier, more sculpted buttock contour. Safer than the traditional butt implants, this procedure uses your own fat from other areas to then inject into your butt. According to data from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of procedures increased from 7,382 in 2011 to 61,387 in 2021.

Why should you listen to us about this?

Fun Fact: Dr. Jugenburg was the first surgeon in Canada to use the fat auto-infuser (best bbl results, reduced infections, less recovery, and no large incisions). Yes, this is a procedure where experience matters, which is why we’re proud to say we do more BBL surgeries than any other clinic in Canada. World-renowned for his work, we have patients from around the world at our Toronto, Dubai, Kuwait, and Miami locations!

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? 

Before diving into the question of weight gain, it's essential to understand the basics of the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. BBL involves harvesting excess fat from areas of the body through liposuction, purifying the fat, and strategically injecting it into the buttocks to enhance volume and shape. The goal is to create a natural-looking, more lifted appearance while also sculpting the surrounding areas for a more proportionate silhouette.

Gaining weight prior to a BBL?

While it may seem logical to gain weight prior to a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) to increase the likelihood of fat survival in its new location, this is not typically recommended. 

For many considering this procedure, questions often arise about the potential to enhance their results through weight gain. While weight gain might seem like a straightforward approach to augmenting buttock size prior to a BBL, the process is nuanced and requires careful consideration. Dr. Jugenburg advises against significant weight gain solely for the purpose of undergoing a BBL, as it can lead to undesirable outcomes and compromise the safety of the surgery.

In this exploration, we dive into the complexities surrounding the concept of gaining weight for a Brazilian Butt Lift, examining the factors involved, potential benefits, risks, and alternative strategies for achieving desired outcomes.

Not all fat is good fat

Weight gain is discouraged because some of the excess weight gained can be visceral (internal) fat, which cannot be used for liposuction or fat grafting during a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). This surplus fat can contribute to a larger waistline, potentially negating the desired effects of the BBL procedure. Understanding the difference between internal and external fat.

Gaining weight can result in increased fat accumulation throughout the body, including areas where liposuction is performed to harvest fat for the BBL. This can make it more challenging for the surgeon to obtain an adequate amount of viable fat for the procedure and may increase the risk of complications such as uneven results or fat necrosis.

BMI Requirements

There are strict BMI requirements that you must adhere to when getting a BBL. For our clinic, we require the patient to be under a BMI of 25. If you are above a BMI of 25 and under 30, we review it on a case by case basis. We do not accept anyone over 30 for safety reasons. If your BMI changes during this period you may have your procedure cancelled. 

If you're at an optimal weight for a BBL, it's important to sustain that weight as it provides consistency for your plastic surgeon to gauge the necessary amount of fat for harvesting and injection into the buttocks.

You cannot control where you’re gaining fat

Patients often experience weight gain across their entire body, including areas like the face, feet, and hands, where liposuction isn't able. Consequently, they may opt to sacrifice their appearance in other areas to achieve a larger buttock size. You cannot control where you gain fat.

However, if they lose the weight, the end result is no different than if they had not gained weight at all. 

Prepare for a BBL

Instead of focusing on weight gain, Dr. Jugenburg recommends that patients prioritize a healthy lifestyle leading up to their Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. Maintaining a stable body weight and overall fitness level can help optimize the results and contribute to a smoother recovery process.

By following a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating regular exercise into their routine, patients can support their body's healing process and enhance the longevity of their BBL results. Dr. Jugenburg provides comprehensive pre-operative guidance to help patients prepare for surgery, including personalized recommendations for achieving their desired aesthetic goals.

You should try to be at a stable weight, in good health and not on any serious medications. 

  1. Consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in BBL procedures. During this consultation, discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. Your surgeon will assess your candidacy for the procedure and provide personalized recommendations.
  2. Medication Review: Inform your surgeon about any medications, supplements, or herbal remedies you are currently taking. Some medications may need to be adjusted or discontinued before surgery to minimize the risk of complications. No smoking.
  3. Maintain Stable Weight: It's important to maintain a stable weight before surgery. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the outcome of the procedure. Aim to reach and maintain your ideal weight before undergoing a BBL.
  4. Follow Preoperative Instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific preoperative instructions to follow in the days leading up to your BBL. This may include guidelines regarding eating and drinking, medication usage, and skincare routines.
  5. Compression Garments: Purchase any compression garments or post-surgical bras recommended by your surgeon. These garments help minimize swelling, promote circulation, and support the healing process.

By following these preparation steps and closely adhering to your surgeon's recommendations, you can help ensure a successful BBL procedure and smooth recovery. Your care WILL impact your results.

Increase chances of fat survival during a BBL

Increasing the chances of fat survival during a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) involves several strategies aimed at optimizing the harvesting, processing, and injection of fat, as well as promoting a healthy environment for fat cells to thrive after transplantation. 

Check out key tips to have lasting fat after a bbl. 

Don’t let before and after pictures fool you

It’s important to be mindful of the timing of before and after bbl photos shared by surgeons, particularly those taken immediately after surgery. These images may not accurately depict the final results, as they do not account for the natural process of fat cell survival and reabsorption. Read what you should look for in before and after photos for more information.

It's crucial to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon carefully. Researching their qualifications, reviewing patient testimonials, and discussing realistic expectations during consultations can help ensure that you select a surgeon who prioritizes safety, skill, and long-term results.

Our advice 

If you qualify, focus less on gaining weight and more on finding the right surgeon. 

This procedure demands finesse and expertise to achieve optimal results while minimizing risks. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in Brazilian Butt Lift procedures, review their before-and-after galleries, and seek reviews from previous patients to ensure confidence in their abilities. Try to find videos of experiences from real patients, as these days reviews can always be skewed. 

Remember, the right surgeon can make all the difference in achieving the desired outcome and ensuring a safe and successful surgical experience.