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Sofia Vergara, like so many beautiful celebrities, relies on her beauty and youthful look. So you know, she'll do whatever it takes to maintain them every way possible. In this recent interview with New Beauty Magazine, she talks about her little tricks to stay young and beautiful. Can you pick out the real trick behind her never again beauty? Watch the video and see if you can spot it.
Hollywood celebrities often try every possible beauty cream, treatment, laser and anything else that seems to be 'working', however most of these 'amazing' and 'miracle' treatments really do nothing but thin their wallets. There are very few effective ways to maintain a youthful, beautiful skin and shape. One of them is mentioned in this video and it is Dr. Jugenburg's favourite because it has been shown over and over in various studies to be effective.
So go ahead, watch the video and see if you pick it up.
So, did you catch it? Leave your answers in the comment section and we'll reveal her secret shortly.