What Do Breast Implants Feel Like? Breast Augmentation Look And Feel

Written By
Shawn Trumpfeller
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November 4, 2022

At SixSurgery, our surgeons offer breast augmentations to help you achieve the curves you’ve always wanted. Perhaps you’ve carefully chosen a new set of implants and are now waiting to have the surgery done. Or perhaps you’ve had your implants for a while and would like more information about their longevity. In any case, you've likely wondered at some point "what do breast implants feel like?". This guide will answer your questions and ease your mind about what it might feel like to have breast implants become part of your body.

9 Weeks After Your Breast Augmentation

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9 Months After Your Breast Augmentation


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1 Year After After Your Breast Augmentation


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5 Years After Your Breast Augmentation


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What is the difference between Saline and Silicone breast implants?

It is very difficult to imagine the feeling of different types of implants, especially if you haven’t been to your Breast Augmentation Consultation to feel the implants for yourselves. Your 2 main options are a silicone implant or a saline implant. Both implants have a silicone shell, but a silicone implant is filled with silicone gel while a saline implant is filled with salt water. The silicone shell allows for the implants to feel relatively similar - with the difference being almost imperceptible to the untrained eye (and hand).

Overall, most patients and surgeons would describe an implant to feel squishy, yet firm. The medical-grade silicone allows for durability, and the contents of the implant give it the spongey/doughy feeling of a stress ball or water balloon. Booking a consultation to see and feel these implants in person is always the best way to make your decision about which implant feels best to you.

What do breast implants feel like in your body?

At the end of the day, breast implants are foreign objects that your body has to adjust to, and the feelings you have in the adjustment period are completely normal. When you first start to recover from surgery, you may feel strange sensations. These sensations can include prickling, tingling, and occasional "pinging." Luckily, these feelings are usually short-lived, not very painful. While the sensations can come and go, it is important to monitor them and let your doctor know if they become bothersome. Just relax and know that you're going to feel a lot better in no time!

Remember that your surgeon is always available to answer any questions you may have and they will be able to provide additional instructions as your healing progresses.

What do breast implants feel like during the recovery process of a Breast Augmentation surgery?

People who are considering breast augmentation are usually most concerned about what to expect after the operation, and how long they have to wait until they can see their final results. Initially, your implants will sit much higher on your chest than it seems they should. This is normal. The reason your implants are so high is that the muscle surrounding your implant needs to stretch out and accommodate it. The muscle will stretch and the implants settle over time as they find their way to their final positions on your chest.

Throughout the recovery period, your breasts are a little heavier and the skin may feel warmer, and more sensitive to pressure or touch. These feelings are normal, as even though breast augmentations are fairly quick procedures, they are still considered major surgeries that take a toll on your body. You will not be able to do things like lift your arms, shower

After settling, the silicone gel implants will be softer than before.  Over time, your breasts will no longer feel immobilized, and they will have more movement and bounce to them.

Will my nipples lose feeling after my Breast Augmentation procedure?

Our patients come into our office with all sorts of questions before surgery. Chief among them is “will my nipples lose feeling?” While your nipples may feel numb, sore, or extra sensitive at times during the healing process, this is temporary for most patients.

The good news is that most patients regain sensation within a few months after surgery. As long as you are following all of your post-operative instructions and remain mindful of any changes in sensation, you should be able to get back to normal pretty quickly!

What does it feel like to have breast implants long-term?

It’s hard to really understand what your breast augmentation experience will feel like until you actually have it. Breast implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as implant types such as textured silicone, saline, or silicone gel.

The type of implant, the placement, and the amount of natural breast tissue you have will all affect how natural your breasts will feel. If you're considering breast augmentation surgery, be sure to discuss all of your options with our team at SixSurgery to find the best option for you.

Check our video gallery to see different parts of the process and real patients talk about their experiences:

Silicone Breast Augmentation Walkthrough: Facts and Limitations of Surgery | SIXSURGERY

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