Breast AugmentationBreast Lift (Mastopexy)Breast ReconstructionBreast ReductionTop SurgeryFat Transfer Breast AugmentationKeep An Open Mind
Everyone’s different, and it’s important to keep that fact in mind when it comes to surgery. No one has the same build, height, weight, shape or elasticity in their skin. So even though you may really want to go from that A cup to a B cup, your surgeon may suggest otherwise depending on your genetics. Some clients require special treatment in evening out the size of their breasts (i.e. If one is lower than the other) while others can get exactly what they initially wanted. Be prepared to revise your original plan and keep an open mind!
Do Your Homework
This should be a given. Researching every aspect of your surgery is essential from the surgeon you choose to the size and look of the breasts. When you have all the information you need you can then go in for a consultation, where you can show the breasts you like or the ones you don’t like, so that you and your surgeon can determine the right style for you. Ultimately no one has as much information and experience with the matter as your surgeon, so when you are hesitating or uncertain make sure you bring it up with them, don’t just google it.
Ask A Friend
This is a big, and for some, stressful decision, so don’t go to your consultation on your own. You may be feeling scared, anxious or nervous and in the moment, will retain less information on what the doctor is explaining. Have a friend help you remember the discussion and support your decision.
Picture Perfect
It’s highly encouraged to bring photos of inspiration during your consultation with your surgeon to inspire the results you hope to receive, but it’s important to realize that they won’t be exact replicas. Your surgery outcome ultimately depends on what you already have, so don’t get your expectations too high and be prepared to compromise.

Choosing Size
Everyone loves the way big breasts look and feel, but going bigger is not always better! Some women claim that going too big can make you look like you’ve gained weight. Remember that your pre existing breast size, shape and volume all have a say on what can and cannot be done. For example if your breasts are already beginning to sag it likely means that your tissues have little to no support and will be prone to falling back down even with the new implants. As a general rule, the size of your implant is usually determined by the measurements of your body. The bigger the implant, the heavier it is and the more likely it will require a lift touch up to prolong its longevity. Don’t just focus on the cup sizes either, get the look YOU want. There is no such thing as the “standard” B or C or DD, since even the same sized bras can differ because of their views on cups. Cleavage is not guaranteed either, we all want it but it’s not always obtainable. If your breasts are naturally spaced apart the surgeon will place the implants in the same distance to look natural. Placing breasts together, squeezed in the middle will only cause problems and sideway nipple.
Saline Or Silicone?
Both are popular choices for breast enhancement surgery. Saline implants are made up of sterile salt water whereas silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. At first the saline implants are empty but once placed inside they get filled with water. Saline is especially great for women that want smaller scars and have sufficient breast tissue to hide the implant. However, silicone is still the favored choice among general public.
Be Prepared For Upkeep And Maintenance
Surgery is not a one time event, it’s a gradual process that consists of several meetings, check ups and consultations. So even though the hardest part may be over, it’s important to keep checking in. The recovery phase is just as important as the actual procedure.
They Don’t Last Forever
Breast enhancement surgery is not a lifetime surgery. This unfortunately means that sometimes breast implants have to get removed or replaced which is actually quite common. It depends on the circumstance, it could be related to a defect, a chaining size, the position it’s in or a correction it needs. If you develop a complication, it will most likely require a surgery to fix it. Not all revisions are free of charge.
Imperfect Results
All women have asymmetry, some may be minimal and less visible while others may have it in really obvious view. This asymmetry will continue to be present even after the surgery, even if the procedure is trying to improve it. Revisions are often required if the asymmetry remains significant.
Be Prepared For At Home Maintenance
Similar to your check ups, it’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions, to ensure the longevity of your breasts. Some of these may involve exercising, changing your at home routine to make your life easier, like using self scratchers, lighter objects or avoiding food that requires utensils ( the pressure from using the utensils will hurt you). Make sure that all hard to open pill bottles are transferred to a Ziploc bag for at least a couple of days after your surgery. Take deep breaths to make sure your lungs are expanding and adapting fully to the new size. Avoid all stretching for up to three weeks to minimize risk of bleeding. You can forget about driving during your recovery as well, as it can cause complications and pain.Your breasts can risk irreversible damage if these guidelines are not followed.

Prep Your Home
You’re going to want to get your home set up to avoid strain for a smooth recovery. Organizing space for medication and easy access to necessities is crucial but not the only way to prepare yourself. It may also involve changing up your wardrobe. Buying another bra, one with a zipper in the front makes it easier to wear during the first few days, washing all your laundry, bed sheets and clothes. Getting 2 pairs of button down PJS one that is lighter and one that is warmer for the days you’ll be spending in and beside the bed. Satin Pjs are recommended over other materials such as flannel. Snuggies are also really comfortable and warm if you’re moving around the house throughout the day. It’s a good idea to size up in clothing especially for returning to work. Make sure that straws are handy when you’re drinking any type of liquids, coughing really hurts so be warned!
What To Expect After The Surgery
Breast surgery recovery is not a quick fix, nor does it promise minimal downtime. Healing is essential to a great result so protect your investment and be aware of the symptoms and how to treat them accordingly. You may feel nauseous, constipated, dizzy or tired after the surgery so it’s best to make sure you recover through generous relaxation and sleep. You may also begin to panic or feel insecure about your new additions. This is completely normal and many patients ask for Xanax or other calming drugs during their recovery. At first, your breasts will feel heavy, high, hard- almost like bowling balls! But a couple weeks later they will start to feel normal again, working out your back muscles helps with supporting this transition. When the swelling starts to disappear, you will start to feel and look normal again. In any case, don’t expect ready-to-wear breasts after the surgery! More often than not, they will be tight, firm and uncomfortable for weeks and may even take up to a year to sink back into their natural breast shape.
Boobie Blues Are Real
Women tend to get a little down when they are confined to their homes for a couple of weeks for their recovery. During this time you may or may not feel like your new additions were a mistake since you need assistance and extra time for everyday easy activities like flushing the toilet. Luckily at the start of the second week, things start looking and feeling a whole lot better!
Weight Gain
Some women experience noticeable weight gain during their recovery period. Since you are not allowed to move in the first few weeks or exercise and lift, your body will naturally and inevitably slow down. A good way to avoid freaking out about your new extra pounds is to wear loose fitted, baggy clothing.
Go For A Walk
It’s been said and noticed that the movement of a slow paced walk will help relieve the swelling post surgery. Never walk for longer than 30 minutes, and make sure you build up your time little by little.
Test It Out
If you want to get a feel for your new breast augmentation before the surgery, try wearing rice filled zip lock bags for a couple of weeks. This will help you get used to the new size and also confirm if you are in fact happy with how this will look and feel. It will also get your coworkers used to seeing you with a larger chest so the transition won’t be as sudden!
You Can Touch
It may feel different at first, but touching your new breasts will not hurt you or affect their outcome. Start slowly, this will help with the pain you may be experiencing. Massaging them helps the pain go away with less medication.
Share Only If You Want To
After your recovery, your breasts should feel normal and healthy enough to not get too much unwanted attention at the office. Share your news only if you truly want to, otherwise it’s perfectly normal to keep it to yourself!
Put your mind at ease with a relaxing home atmosphere for at least the first two weeks in your recovery. Spend your time maybe finding movies you need to catch up or books you haven’t had the time to read in the past little while. Don’t create stressful situations or panic about your recovery, but if anything comes of concern make sure to contact your surgeon.
Contact Your Surgeon
Don’t ever hesitate to contact your surgeon about any questions before or after the surgery, after all, you hired them!