Extra Large Breast Implants
and Huge Boobs

Breast augmentations, no matter the size, have always been about achieving the patient’s ideal aesthetic, but the quest for larger and more dramatic results has given rise to a unique category of implants that push the boundaries and may reach limitations. 

A breast augmentation is a procedure that enhances the size and shape of the breasts, using silicone or saline implants. While some patients come to SixSurgery requesting natural looking implants, other patients are after a more round, fake look.

Extra-large breast implants, as the name suggests, are implants that exceed the standard sizes commonly used in augmentation for a much more dramatic enhancement. The average implant size in Canada is around 400ccs, and an implant would be considered “extra large” if it approaches or surpases the 600cc mark.

Go big or go home

If you are getting implants, you might as well get big ones, right?
Everywhere you look, women say they wish they went bigger, so you might as well go big right off the bat so that you don’t have to come back and get them redone, right?
But the fact is, choosing large implants is not always the right choice.
While some women like a more subtle breast augmentation, there are those that want to go big. Really big!
They like images of women on social media showing large breasts, cleavage, and fullness in the upper chest. The implants are HUGE and they sit HIGH.

Is Saline or Silicone better for Extra Large Breast Implants? 

We recommend Saline implants for XL breasts for less scaring. Bigger breasts, mean larger implants. And a super large implant does not have the same ability to be rolled and filled like saline implants. 

A silicone implant consists of a silicone shell with a thick silicone gel interior. The implant is inserted using a Keller funnel, which resembles an icing piping bag, and helps the surgeon to get the implant through such a small incision. When it comes to extra large silicone implants, the scars will be much larger, even with the use of the Keller funnel. This is due to the fact that the incision would need to accommodate for such a large implant. If barely visible scars are your priority, silicone implants may not be the best option for you.

Saline implants have the same silicone shell, but instead of being prefilled with silicone they are filled once they are inside the breast pocket with saline (salt water). It is this feature that makes them ideal for extra large implants. The surgeon is able to roll up the implant to fit through an approximately 1” incision, allowing for smaller scars and faster healing no matter the size of the implant after filling. At SixSurgery, we call this a Tiny Scar Breast Augmentation, but they are also known as Scarless Breast Augmentations. This is due to the fact that the scars are so discrete that after they’ve healed they are virtually invisible.

Saline implants also allow for a level of “overfilling” which can reduce the appearance of rippling and allow for a rounder look, which many patients requesting large implants are looking for. When it comes to extra large breast implants, we often suggest opting for saline implants for these reasons.

Is Your Body Made for Larger Implants?

600cc high profile saline implants
When it comes to extra large implants, one size doesn’t fit all. This is because implants, no matter the size, are all about proportions. 

A 600CC breast implant on a larger framed larger bodied individual, will look VERY different on a shorter smaller individual. 

On a smaller, or thinner person a 500cc implant would overpower their frame and look completely unnatural. The same implant on a patient who is taller, or larger may be well within their proportions and look more natural.

Accounting for body size and shape is a fundamental aspect of successful breast augmentation. Factors such as height, weight, chest width, and existing breast tissue all play a role in this decision-making process. Some people simply aren’t built for big breasts and extra measures have to be taken to achieve your desires.

Extra Large Breast Implants Without Frankenboob

Descent of Breast Implants
After undergoing a breast augmentation, it is common for women to experience what we call “Frankenboob”. This is when the implants appear misshapen and sit high on the chest due to the fact that they haven’t yet settled after surgery. This can look quite alarming, especially for patients who have chosen extra large breast implants. It is important to remember that this is a common issue after breast augmentations, and over time your implants will settle into place. 
If you’re worried about “Frankenboob” there are only two things that can really help: breast massage, and patience. Massaging the breasts after a breast augmentation, especially with extra-large breast implants, is crucial to the healing process. The massage stretches out the breast pocket and helps to lengthen the muscle, which allows for the implant to fall into place.

Read more about Implants settling too high.

Is bigger Always better? Not for everyone.

Here are some potential complications to be aware of.
Extra Large Breast Implants Aren’t For Everyone. While extra-large breast implants can achieve remarkable transformations, it's important to be aware of potential complications that might arise. At SixSurgery, we want our patients to be informed of all of the risks, so that they can make informed decisions about any changes they make to their bodies.

Implant Rupture or Leakage: Larger implants might be more susceptible to rupture or leakage over time. The silicone gel within the implant may leak into the surrounding tissue, requiring surgical intervention to address it. This is unlikely with the cohesive gel in the silicone implants and can be monitored with check ins to ensure the implant hasnt ruptured. If a saline implant ruptures, you will know right away and will not be harmed by the saline solution.

Rippling: Larger implants could increase the likelihood of visible rippling or wrinkling, particularly in individuals with thinner skin and less natural breast tissue. It is a common belief that silicone implants have less rippling than saline implants. A proper assessment with your surgeon is the best way to find out which implants will be best for your body to reduce the appearance of rippling for your large implants.

Longer Recovery: Larger breast implants may necessitate a longer recovery period due to increased strain on the body during healing. In general, you can expect to need roughly 6 weeks to fully recover from breast augmentation surgery. However, if you have larger implants, you may need a little bit longer. The recovery period for larger breast implants can vary from person to person, so it is best to follow all post operative instructions and keep in close communication with your surgical team as you recover.

Pain and Discomfort: Similar to people with naturally large breasts, large implants can take a toll on you physically. The weight of extra-large implants might lead to discomfort, back pain, or strain on the neck and shoulders.

Sagging: Over time, the weight of larger implants will likely contribute to breast sagging (ptosis), which may necessitate further corrective surgery. Sagging is natural for people with natural and augmented breasts, but larger breasts are prone to more noticeable drooping due to gravity.
Large breast implants: they always fall with gravity. We often see photos of women with large breast implants, big cleavage and a lot of fullness on top. Those are never naked photos. Those women use their bras or hands to support their breasts. Without that support those heavy implants fall. Not in this photo how low the implant has fallen. The nipple is not centered on the breast implant, and the upper chest is empty and flat. So many women don’t like that upper chest flatness and want large implants to fill that, not realizing that in reality a bigger implant will only fall more
While at first you see large implants, if you look closely you will note the tell tale signs of an implant that is too big and too heavy:
The implant sit low, below the nipple. The nipple is not centered on the implant, it is pointing up
Because the implant is sitting low on the chest, there is a large flat surface below the clavicle, the very area these women want to fill
600cc high profile saline implants
Woman xl breast implants augmentation huge boob job

How Can Your Consultation Help With The Perfect Extra Large Implants?

At SixSurgery Clinic, your designated consultation team will work with you to select an implant size that achieves your desired aesthetic goals. Whether that is a more round and fake look, or something that looks very natural. Being able to have an open and honest discussion with your surgical team is very important. They can assess your goals, body type, and recommend appropriate implant sizes so that you feel more confident about your surgery. 

What are some questions to ask in your consultation? 
Are Extra-Large Implants Suitable for me?
Some bodies are better suited for extra large breast implants, like patients who are a little broader or larger, with more existing breast tissue. Whereas a very skinny patient with a small frame may not be the best candidate for a 600+ CC implant. Ask the surgeon to evaluate your physique and determine if extra-large implants are appropriate based on your body size, chest dimensions, and overall health.

What Are the Potential Risks and Complications?
As we stated above, extra large implants come with extra risks. Read and understand them, before your consultation, but also feel free to discuss them in depth with your team during your consultation to see which you may specifically be at risk for.

What Type of Implants Do You Recommend?
Again, as mentioned above there are many choices to be made when it comes to implants. Seeing the implants in person, feeling them, and trying them on with implant sizers is one of the best ways to feel confident in your decision.What Placement Options Are Available?
Learn about implant placement options, such as subglandular (above the muscle) or submuscular (under the muscle), and which might be most suitable for you. When it comes to extra large implants, it may be recommended that you choose something specific for your body type and size. What Incision

Techniques Are Used?
Ask about the incision options for implant placement, including inframammary (under the breast crease), periareolar (around the nipple), and transaxillary (in the armpit). Extra large implants often require larger incisions, so if your goal is to hide the incision as best as possible, ask your surgeon which incision they recommend based on your anatomy. For example, if you have a well defined breast fold paired with an extra large implant, an inframammary incision would be a great choice for you!

What Are the Expected Results?
Discuss your desired outcome and ask the surgeon about the expected results, including size, shape, and symmetry. You can also request to see before-and-after photos of similar cases. At SixSurgery, we have plenty of examples of patients with diverse implant sizes, body types, and aesthetic goals. Extra large implants are more uncommon, but a good surgeon will be able to show you images of successful results no matter the size. At Sixsurgery Clinic we highly recommend that you bring in a “wish pic” to help your surgeon understand your aesthetic goals for your extra large implants. To ensure that your goals are realistic, try to look for pictures of real people that are not photoshopped or heavily edited.How Long Will the Implants Last, and Are There

Maintenance Requirements?
Ask about the longevity of the implants and whether they may need to be replaced or removed in the future. It is important to understand any potential maintenance requirements for extra large implants, as they differ slightly from smaller ones. For example, larger implants have a higher chance of rupture or leakage and may require additional screening or monitoring.

What Is Your Surgeon’s Experience and Credentials?
Ensure the surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery and has experience performing breast augmentation procedures, especially with extra-large implants. At SixSurgery Clinic, all of our surgeons have been hand selected by Dr. Jugenburg for their expertise across a wide range of surgical procedures. They have all performed breast augmentations with varying implant sizes and are happy to share their history, opinions, and experience with you.

What Is the Plan for Follow-Up Appointments?
Extra large implants may require more care than smaller implants due to the fact that they put you at risk for a different set of copmplications. Discuss the schedule for post-operative follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.

Interested in Extra Large Breast Implants?
Remember that your consultation is a collaborative process between you and your surgeon. It's essential to communicate your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. Additionally, take the time to thoroughly understand the procedure, potential risks, and the surgeon's recommendations before making a decision about extra-large breast implants.

After the procedure is over, it is crucial to follow your surgeon's instructions meticulously during the recovery period. Your surgeon will likely also suggest that you invest in supportive bras to help alleviate strain on your chest and minimize potential complications. Attending all scheduled follow-up appointments is the best way to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth recovery process. Once you’ve recovered, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can contribute to successful healing and long-term implant performance.

When contemplating extra-large breast implants, thorough research and informed decision-making are essential. The team at SixSurgery encourages you to prioritize your health and well-being throughout your aesthetic journey. By understanding the mechanics of the procedure, potential complications, and adhering to post-operative care guidelines, you can confidently pursue your desired aesthetic while minimizing risks. Remember, an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon is your best ally in achieving your desired results.


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