Breast Lift
Incisions and Scars

All Breast Lift procedures involve the placement of incisions on the breasts through which the nipple and/or breast tissue are repositioned. In general, the incisions can be made using one of four different techniques, which will leave permanent scars in the following locations:
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Along the upper areolar border (Crescent Breast Lift)
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Around, or within, the entire areolar border (Peri-Areolar Breast Lift)
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A straight line from below the areola to the breast fold (Vertical Breast Lift)
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Within, or directly above, the breast fold (Standard Breast Lift)
In most patients, the scars will fade noticeably over time. The technique that is chosen for your surgery, and therefore the location of your scars, will depend on:
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Your existing breast anatomy
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Personal goals
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The amount of breast elevation (ptosis correction) needed
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The elasticity of your skin
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The amount of breast sag you are willing to accept versus the scarring you will receive
At the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, Dr. Jugenburg is an expert at creating minimal Breast Lift scars that are barely visible. While a traditional Breast Lift procedure typically involves the placement of an inverted T-shaped scar (the Standard of Full-Anchor Breast Lift), Dr. Jugenburg’s surgical expertise allow him to achieve optimal results by limiting the incisionsto the areola, and if a significant lift is required, the addition of a small vertical incision only. The large incision usually placed within, or directly above, the breast fold (infra-mammary fold) is thereby completely avoided.

Crescent Breast Lift

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A Crescent Breast Lift procedure involves removing a crescent-shaped piece of skin directly above the upper areolar border and raising the breast tissue and/or nipple to a higher position.
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This creates a minor lift for women who have slight sagging of the breasts (breast ptosis) and leaves a scar around the upper areolar border.
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The color contrast between the dark areola skin and lighter breast skin provide an effective way to partially disguise the scar.
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A feeling of heavier breasts may result in patients who either have slight oval-shaped areolae or who do not wear a good, supportive bras post-operatively. This is due to the skin stretching and causing tension at the incision line.

Peri-Areolar Breast Lift

Please see here for more information on the Peri-Areolar (also called the Benelli or Doughnut Breast Lift).

Vertical Breast Lift

Please see here for more information on the Vertical Sling Technique.

Scarless Breast Lift

Some women seek out scarless breast lift because they wish to avoid scars which are the hallmark of a breast lift.  Unfortunately, a true breast lift cannot be done with scars.  However, in some instances, a woman looking for a breast lift only needs more volume in the upper part of her breast and in such situation a breast augmentation helps to reshape the breast and creates the illusion of a lift.  This is a procedure that is appropriate only for a very limited number of patients as this is not a true lift.

Breast Lift Scars FAQs

What are the limitations of the different incision placements?
The Peri-Areolar technique is suitable for women who have minor sagging of the beasts (breast ptosis) and require less than 2 cm of elevation. In women with moderate to severe sagging of the breasts that require more than 2 cm of elevation, an additional vertical incision between the breast fold and areola will be required.
What will my scars look like?
Following surgery, Breast Lift scars are red and normally slightly raised, but over 3 – 6 months after surgery they usually fade and flatten out, becoming thin, barely visible lines. For incisions along the areolar border, the scars are usually partially disguised by the skin color contrast (between the dark areola and lighter breast skin) and the uneven surface of the areola.
Will my scars stretch?
Dr. Jugenburg uses advanced wound closure techniques and dissolvable deep sutures to support the repositioned skin and tissue on the breasts and minimize the risk of visible scar stretching. In some patients, permanent Gore-Tex sutures may also be used to provide long-term support. All patients are required to wear a surgical support bra at all times for 6 weeks after surgery, which will lessen tension on the incision lines and prevent scar stretching. Patients are also instructed to sleep on their backs during this time to avoid pressure on the breasts.
Are some women more prone to visible scarring?
All scars are visible initially following surgery. Thereafter, some patients heal with virtually invisible scars, while others are more prone to prominent scarring. Past scarring from previous injuries and/or surgeries may be indicative of how prone an individual may be to visible scarring. This could influence Dr. Jugenburg's decision on how best to perform a Breast Lift procedure (or cosmetic breast surgery in general) in order to achieve an optimal balance between breast elevation and scarring.

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