Breast AugmentationBreast Lift (Mastopexy)Breast ReconstructionBreast ReductionTop SurgeryFat Transfer Breast AugmentationThere are many Types of Breasts. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, as well as different colors. There are terms to describe where on your body they are and what direction they face when they're not in a bra. Moreover, some breasts are asymmetric, have bell-shaped nipples, or are called "tear drop" breasts because of their shape.
What type of breasts do you have? Did you know that there are different terms to describe breasts, such as big, small, and in-between? You might be surprised to learn that there are also terms to describe nipple placement, where your boobs sit on your chest, and what direction they face when they're not in a bra.
Your breasts are uniquely you
Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, which makes it difficult to find bras that fit everyone. Some women have larger breasts that fill a lot of the cup, while other women have smaller breasts and need a bra that fits more snugly. And then there are women with breasts that come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes - some are oblong, others are round, and still others are almond-shaped.
Why Are My Breasts Uneven?
Here's the catch. No woman is COMPLETELY symmetrical. Some more than others though. It was determined in a study with 300 women that wanted breast implants, that 91% of them had asymmetrical breasts.

Not happy with you type of breasts? Check out our before and after gallery for how we can help.




Full & Large




Round Augmented


Soft or Deflated
For more breast types: 27 Different Types of Breast Shapes & Sizes