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Facelift Complications

Summary of Facelift Complications
Cost :
Surgery Length:
2 - 3.5 Hours
Anesthesia :
Local or General Anesthesia
Recovery :
1 - 4 Weeks
A Facelift, like any surgical procedure, can have associated complications. The best treatment of these complications is prevention and finding the best qualified Plastic Surgeon.
However, no Surgeon is perfect, and no Surgeon can guarantee a problem free Facelift. Should a complication arise, a skilled Plastic Surgeon is trained and experienced to manage such situations.
On this page, you can read about things to watch out for, and how they are treated.
What happens If You Develop Complications After A Facelift?
No surgeon is perfect, no procedure is fool proof. That is why every facelift consultation should also include a discussion of potential complications and their treatments.
The best treatment for any complications is prevention:
If a complication does occur, it is important that you let us know right away. Any complication, when caught early, can be easily treated. If allowed to go on for a long period of time, even the simplest problem can become serious.
What are possible complications of a facelift?
Bleeding after a Facelift
Bleeding is the most common complication after a facelift procedure. In the published literature, the average risk of bleeding after a facelift is 3% (8% for patients who have high blood pressure or for men).
Having a little bit of blood oozing from your wounds is normal and expected. Serious bleeding is when you notice significant swelling under the skin to a point that your skin protrudes. If that happens, please let us know immediately.

The most common cause of bleeding is uncontrolled blood pressure. For that reason, we treat your blood pressure before, during and after the facelift. Prior to the surgery, we will give you medication to lower your blood pressure, and continue to keep it low during the time of the surgery. Following your facelift, we will provide you with more medication for blood pressure, if needed. We also prefer that you stay at our Hotel facility overnight, stay relaxed and comfortable to avoid raising your blood pressure.
Prior to surgery, you should avoid all of the following, to lower the risk of bleeding:
All of the above should be discontinued at least 2-3 weeks before surgery.
Skin Necrosis
Skin necrosis happens when the blood supply to the skin is compromised and some parts of the skin then lack proper oxygen and nutrient supply. The rate of this complication is 1% in sub-SMAS procedures, and 3.6% in skin-only facelifts.
Causes of skin necrosis
The treatment of this complication is with wound care. The affected area is allowed to heal on its own and requires additional surgery in only very rare cases.
Infection is a very rare complication after a facelift because the face is very well vascularized. There is no scientific evidence to support pre-treating patients with antibiotics to prevent an infection from taking place. If one does develop an infection, the treatment depends on the type of bacteria isolated. Infections around the ear may be related to a species called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is naturally found in the ear canal. These are treated with antibiotics, and sometimes require drainage of any collection that may be found.
Signs of an infection include the following: Your skin is red, hot, especially tender and there may be some pus visible.
If you think you may have an infection after a facelift, send us a photo of the area of concern before becoming overly concerned, as very often, little bit of redness is normal and does not represent an infection.

You can click the above before and after images to enter our Facelift Photo Gallery
Nerve Injury
The incidence of a permanent facial nerve injury is less than 1 percent, although transient nerve dysfunction for the first few hours after a facelift is common due to the lingering effects of the local anesthetic used during the surgery.
Prolonged nerve dysfunction can be due to traction, use of the cautery (to stop bleeding), sutures, or nerve transection. In most of these situations, there is a spontaneous recovery which can take place at any time between 2 weeks and 4 months.
There is not much to do in this situation, aside from waiting for the facial nerve to regain its function. While waiting, use of an injection such as BOTOX to temporarily relax the other side of the face is used to create symmetry.
If a surgeon notices a branch of the facial nerve has been cut during the surgery, that requires surgical repair to reapproximate the cut edges to allow them to heal. The healing can take 3-6 months, which is the time it takes the nerve to regrow and re-innervate facial muscles.
Abnormal scars
Abnormal scars are scars that are placed incorrectly, that are obvious or may be hypertrophic or keloid.
Improper scar placement can lead to obvious scars, distortion of the ear, and un-natural shifting of the hairline. Excessive tension can cause scar widening, loss of hair, loss of pigmentation, and the development of hypertrophic scars.
If you do develop any abnormal scars, you will need to wait at least 6 months to allow for them to heal before a scar revision can be performed.
Smoking is one of the worst things you could do before a facelift, and that is a reason why some surgeons will refuse to operate on smokers. A smoker has a skin necrosis risk that is 12 times higher than a non-smoker.
Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, limiting the oxygen delivery to the skin. This in effect suffocates the skin. Skin can die, wound healing is delayed, and incisions can break open.
You should abstain from smoking 4 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery to minimize smoking-related complications
Facelift Risks & Complications
Although complications following fat transfer are infrequent; the following may occur:
Bleeding, which in rare instances could require hospitalization and blood transfusion. Blood clots may form under the skin and require drainage.
Skin irregularities
Bleeding, which in rare instances could require hospitalization and blood transfusion. Blood clots may form under the skin and require drainage.
Infection is rare but may occur and treatment with antibiotics and/or drainage may be required. In rare instances surgery may be required for severe cases.
Wound dehiscence
Wound dehiscence (wound opening) may occur and may be treated by allowing it to heal on its own.
Outpatient nursing
Outpatient nursing may be required to assist with wound care. You may be required to travel to a local clinic for daily wound care.
Injury to the facial nerve which provides movement to the facial muscles may occur. Most of the time the injury is temporary and the nerve function returns. In very rare cases nerve injury can be permanent.
Numbness of the skin over treated areas may persist for months. Localized areas of numbness or increased sensitivity may be permanent in rare instances.
Objectionable scarring
Objectionable scarring is rare because of the fine nature and location of the incisions used in facelift/necklift surgery, but abnormal scar formation is possible.
Dizziness may occur during the first week following facelift/necklift surgery particularly upon rising from a lying or sitting position. If this occurs, extreme caution may be exercised while walking. Do not drive a car if dizziness is present.
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Deep Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Fat Embolism may occur. If left untreated they may be fatal.