When to Perform Breast Massage
It is important to massage routinely if you want your implants to settle sooner rather than later, and thereafter to maintain a good feel and appearance to your breasts. Continued massage is particularly important for smooth implants. If you have textured implants, DO NOT massage your breasts; Dr. Jugenburg will advise you on this.

Immediately after your surgery, begin to perform gentle breast massage (during the first week after surgery) and then more vigorous massage (after you received clearance from the clinic after your first postop visit) at least 5 different times each day for the first 3 months following surgery. While this may be uncomfortable at first, it is very important that you begin these exercises early. The period immediately following surgery is the most critical during which final adjustments can be made to the position, shape and contour of your breasts.

After 3 months, if your breasts feel naturally soft and your implants are moving freely, you may reduce your massage routine to 2 times per day.

After 4 months, and every day thereafter during the first year, if your breasts and implants continue to feel normal, you may reduce your massage routine to only 1 time per day.
Should you at any time experience any of the following, please contact the clinic immediately on
(647) 360-1975:

Hot or flushed breast skin

Severe tightening or hardness of your implants

A sudden and significant change in the appearance or position of your breast

Anything you believe to be abnormal
A nurse will speak to you over the phone to determine if you need to be seen urgently or not. If you are unable to contact the clinic, or if it is after regular business hours, please first go to your nearest hospital to have a physician examine you, and then contact the clinic as soon as possible thereafter.