Allergan or Mentor
Breast Implants?

Allergan Breast Implants

The two main FDA and Health Canada-approved manufacturers of breast implants are Allergan and Mentor and are available at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Allergan and Mentor have years of research experience and a high safety standard.
A wide range of reliable and durable silicone and saline implants that vary by implant density, profile, shape and/or texture are offered by each manufacturer with similar limited lifetime replacement warranties. During your consultation with Dr. Jugenburg, you will be shown breast implant size charts, you can look and feel various pre-filled implant samples, and try on a range of sizers (actual implants you can try on).
The information provided below covers the implant options that are available from Allergen, and is intended to assist you in making a decision on which implant range is best for your Breast Augmentation.
For further information on Mentor breast implants, please refer here.

The Allergan Company

Allergan is a US-based manufacturer that has been through rigorous FDA and Health Canada approval processes. The company has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing breast implants and has passed all requirements to ensure that all Allergen breast implants comply with the highest safety and quality standards for Breast Augmentation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute.
Allergan manufactures the Natrelle® line of saline and silicone breast implants, and more recently introduced the Inspira® line of silicone breast implants. Inspira are the latest and best silicone implants, designed to decrease the risk of rippling and rupture.

Allergen Natrelle®Inspira® Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants

The Natrelle®Inspira® collection is the most advanced and latest generation of breast implants from Allergan. All Inspira® implants have an extremely durable silicone shell to decrease the risk of implant leakage or rupture, and in the case of silicone-filled implants, to limit the amount of silicone released across the shell (silicone gel bleed).
These new and innovative breast implants offer a greater variety of sizes and shapes for Breast Augmentation patients. There are more than 300 different types of round, smooth and textured options to choose from. A greater choice means that breast enlargement procedures can be more precisely tailored to the individual needs and bodies of different women.
Additionally, the silicone gel comes in two varieties, a softer cohesive silicone gel for a more natural feel (TruForm 1), and an ultra cohesive silicone gel (TruForm2) for less rippling. The Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute always strives to provide the best available Breast Augmentation options for its patients and is proud to have been one of the first institutions to offer these new state-of-the-art breast implants.
Allergan continually works to improve on the latest generation of their available breast implants through investment in comprehensive research and development studies. The use of state-of-the-art facilities and rigorous quality control have also led to unparalleled safety for patients receiving Allergen implants during Breast Augmentation.
Allergen has perfected numerous safety tests and, with years of clinical experience, continues to build an extensive body of clinical data that proves the safety and quality of its products.

Saline Breast Implant Sizes and Types

Allergan Natrelle® Smooth Round Implants

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Style 68LP (low profile)
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Style 68MP (moderate profile)
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Style 68HP (high profile)

Allergan Natrelle® Textured Round Implants

Designed to promote tissue adherence and ensure a more secure implantation, this implant has a BIOCELL® shell texturing and is available in various sizes, projections and base widths:
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Style 168 (moderate profile)

Allergan Natrelle® Textured Shaped Implants

The same BIOCELL® shell texturing, but instead with the gentle teardrop shape of a natural, mature breast. Available in two different projection and height levels, across a range of sizes and base widths (where the height is the vertical distance between the teardrop’s bottom and top):
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Style 468 (full height, moderate projection)

Silicone Breast Implant Size and Types

Allergan Inspira® Smooth Round Implants

Five different projections levels from low to extra-full profile in a range of sizes and base widths are available with the popular rounded shape of breast implants. They come in TruForm1 (softer) and TruForm2 (less rippling) forms.
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Style SRL/SSL (low projection)
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Style SRLP/SSLP (low plus projection)
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Style SRM/SSM (moderate projection)
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Style SRF/SSF (full projection)
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Style SRX/SSX (extra full projection)
Most patients get SSM or SSF (TruForm 2 moderate or full projection implants) as they seem to be the most popular type.

Allergan Inspira®f Textured Round Silicone Breast Implants

As with the Allergan textured Round saline implant, a Round silicone-filled implant with a BIOCELL® shell texturing is available in various sizes, projections, and base widths:
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Style TRL/TSL (low projection)
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Style TRLP/TSLP (low plus projection)
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Style TRM/TSM (moderate projection)
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Style TRF/TSF (full projection)
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Style TRX/TSX (extra full projection)
Dr. Jugenburg uses textured breast implants only in very specific cases where the presence of a textured surface is warranted.

Allergan Style 410 Highly Cohesive Textured Shaped Gummy Bear Implants

Featuring a highly cohesive silicone-gel formulation for optimal shape maintenance over time, the contours of a natural breast, the BIOCELL® shell texturing, and the widest selection of implant options to allow for individualized aesthetic results. Twelve different levels of implant are available, each with a unique height and projection ratio that extends across a range of base widths to meet the variety of needs present among different women.

Allergen Warranty Programs

Allergen are committed to ensuring that each patient who receives Natrelle® breast implants during Breast Augmentation experience long-term success with their enlargement. The Allergan ConfidencePlus® and ConfidencePlus Premier®warranty programs cover all saline and silicone gel implants listed below (applicable breast implants must have been implanted in the United States or Canada after April 1, 2002):

Saline-Filled Breast Implants: Style 68HP, 68MP, 68LP, 163, 168, 363LF, 468
Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants: Style 10, 15, 20, 40, 25, 110, 115, 120, 410, Inspira®

Allergen Lifetime Product Replacement Policy

All patients who receive eligible silicone-filled or saline-filled breast implants during Breast Augmentation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically enrolled in the Allergen Lifetime Product Replacement Policy1. Through this Policy, patients are completely covered in the event of a confirmed rupture or deflation, irrespective of the age of the implant. If one or both implants ruptures or deflates, up to two replacement implants of any size in a similar style will be provided at no charge.
Events covered by the Allergen Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Deflation of Natrelle® saline-filled implants due to crease fold failure, loss of valve integrity, or loss of shell integrity from an unknown cause
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Rupture of Natrelle® silicone-filled implants due to crease fold failure or loss of shell integrity
Events not covered by the Allergen Lifetime Product Replacement Policy include:
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Adverse reactions other than implant rupture or deflation
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Removal of intact implants due to Capsular Contracture
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Dissatisfaction with implant size or aesthetics
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Loss of product integrity caused by reoperative procedures (e.g., revision or Capsulectomy procedures)
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Financial reimbursement for a non-Allergen replacement product in place of an Allergen replacement product

Allergen Breast Implant Warranty Options

ConfidencePlus® Warranty

All patients who receive eligible Allergen saline-filled or silicone-filled breast implants at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically enrolled in the Allergen ConfidencePlus® warranty free of charge.
The cover includes:
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Automatic enrollment
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
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10 years of financial assistance
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Up to $1200 compensation to cover out-of-pocket expenses for surgical fees, operating room and anesthesia expenses not covered by personal health insurance
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Silicone-filled and saline-filled breast implants covered
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Free upgrade to ConfidencePlus Premier® warranty coverage with eligible silicone-filled implants

ConfidencePlus Premier® Warranty

All patients who receive eligible Allergen silicone-filled breast implants at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically enrolled in the Allergen ConfidencePlus Premier® warranty free of charge.

The policy is also available to all patients who receive saline-filled breast implants, but must be purchased within 45 days from the date of Breast Augmentation surgery for an enrollment fee of $1002. In both cases, the ConfidencePlus Premier® warranty replaces the ConfidencePlus® warranty.
The cover includes:
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
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10 years of financial assistance
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Up to $3500 compensation for silicone-filled implants and $2400 for saline-filled implants to cover out-of-pocket expenses for surgical fees, operating room and anesthesia expenses not covered by personal health insuran
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Free contralateral (opposite side) implant replacement if requested by a surgeon
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Non-cancellable terms
The ConfidencePlus®and the ConfidencePlus Premier® warranties apply to the eligible slicone-filled and saline-filled breast implants, provided the implants have been used:
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As intended by appropriately qualified and licensed Plastic Surgeons, in accordance with current and accepted plastic surgery techniques
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In accordance with the current Allergen breast implant Directions For Use

Warranty Special Considerations

With both the ConfidencePlus®and the ConfidencePlus Premier® warranties, all eligible patients should maintain their own records to ensure validation of their enrollment in these programs.

Warranty Footnotes

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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy: Allergen will provide a free replacement Allergen implant of any size in the same or similar style as that originally implanted throughout a patient’s lifetime. A different implant style may be selected if selected by a surgeon, but may be subject to a charge based on the difference between the list prices for the two products.
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The ConfidencePlus Premier®warranty entitles all eligible patients to one payout only per enrollment fee. Enrollment in the program for replacement implants will require an additional $100 enrollment fee.

Mentor Breast Implants

The two main FDA and Health Canada-approved manufacturers of breast implants are Allergan and Mentor; implants from both manufacturers are available at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Allergan and Mentor have years of research experience and a high safety standard.

A wide range of reliable and durable silicone and saline implants that vary by implant density, profile, shape and/or texture are available from each manufacturer with similar limited lifetime replacement warranties.

During your Breast Augmentation consultation with Dr. Jugenburg, you will be shown breast implant size charts, look at and feel various pre-filled implant samples, and try on a range of sizers (differently sized implant samples).

The information provided below covers the implant options that are available from Mentor, and is intended to assist you in making a decision on which implant range is best for your Breast Augmentation.

For further information on Allergan breast implants, please refer here.

Mentor Saline Breast Implants

Mentor’s saline breast implants come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, profiles and surface textures to fit the body, preference and individual needs of every woman. Each of Mentor’s saline implants has been thoroughly tested, is Health Canada approved for use in Breast Augmentation or for Breast Reconstruction, and is covered by Mentor’s Standard or Enhanced Advantage limited warranty and Lifetime Replacement Policy.

Breast Implant Sizes and Types

Mentor Round Saline Breast Implants

The most commonly used saline implant is a round, smooth implant. Mentor offers three different saline implant profiles with a rounded shape and smooth shell: Moderate, Moderate Plus and High Profile.
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Style 1600: Smooth Round Moderate Profile
The most popular saline breast implant gives a full, rounded appearance that adds greater dimension to the breasts.
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Style 2000: Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile
Offers a full, rounded look that has the same moderate base as Style 1600, but with a higher profile that adds greater dimension to the breast.
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Style 3000: Smooth Round High Profile
An extremely popular implant because it provides patients with greater projection for a more prominent profile in a narrower chest wall. Mentor designed this style and was the first company to offer an approved high profile implant.
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Style 2600: SILTEXTM Moderate Profile Textured Implants
Gives the same full, rounded look, but instead with a textured SILTEXTM surface to the implant shell.

Mentor Shaped (Anatomic or Teardrop) Saline Breast Implants

Designed to mimic the gentle contours and fullness of a natural, mature breast, Mentor’s Shaped breast implants are available in two different implant profiles: High Profile and Moderate Profile.
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Style 2700: CONTOUR PROFILE® High Profile
A Shaped implant with the teardrop appearance of a natural, mature breast, but with a high profile for greater projection and prominence.
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Style 2900: CONTOUR PROFILE® Moderate Profile
The same teardrop shape, but with a wider base than Style 2700 to give a moderate projection in women with wider chest walls.

Mentor SPECTRUM® Saline (Post-Operatively Adjustable) Breast Implants

SPECTRUM® Implants from Mentor provide Plastic Surgeons with the only post-operatively adjustable saline breast implants, and are available in both Round and Shaped styles.

These innovative implants allow Dr. Jugenburg to adjust the size of a patient’s implant (and therefore breast enlargement) through a removable fill tube for up to 6 months after the initial Breast Augmentation surgery. In a simple procedure, Dr. Jugenburg can add or remove saline to give the desired final appearance of the breasts.
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Style 1400: Smooth Round SPECTRUM® Implants
Combines the popular rounded style of breast implants and a smooth surface shell with the ability to make adjustments to the implant size (and therefore breast size) after surgery.
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Style 2400: SILTEXTM Round SPECTRUM® Implants
The same rounded profile and ability to be adjusted after surgery, but with a shell that has a textured SILTEXTM surface.
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Features a teardrop shape that resembles the appearance of a natural, full breast, the same ability to be adjusted following surgery, and a textured SILTEXTM shell surface.

Mentor Saline Implants Warranty Information

Mentor offers a comprehensive breast implant warranty that ensures that every patient who receives a Mentor implant during Breast Augmentation is supported long after their surgery. The Lifetime Product Replacement Policy reflects Mentor’s confidence on the quality and integrity of their implants, which should reassure you when making your breast implant choice.
Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
All patients who receive Mentor’s saline breast implants during Breast Augmentation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically eligible for the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. Through this policy patients are completely covered in the event of a confirmed deflation, irrespective of the age of the implant. If one or both implants deflates, up to two replacement saline implants of any size in a similar style will be provided at no charge.
Events covered by the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Deflation due to crease fold failure, patient trauma, or an unknown cause
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Loss of valve integrity
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Other loss-of-shell-integrity events may also be covered (at the discretion of Mentor)
Events not covered by Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Adverse reactions other than deflation
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Removal of intact implants due to Capsular Contracture or implant rippling/wrinkling
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Loss of implant shell integrity resulting from reoperative procedures (e.g., revision or Capsulectomy procedures)
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Removal of intact implants for size alteration
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Events that are fully covered by insuranc
Mentor Saline Breast Implant Warranty Options
* For up to 10 years. ** If requested by a surgeon.
The Mentor Breast Implant Standard Advantage Limited Warranty

The Mentor Standard Advantage limited warranty is free of charge to all patients who have received Mentor saline-filled breast implants at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute and includes:
Free warranty coverage
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
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Up to $1200 in financial compensation2 for 10 years to cover operating room, anesthesia, and surgical charges not covered by personal health insurance
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Non-cancelable terms
Mentor Enhanced Advantage Limited Warranty
The optional Mentor Enhanced Advantage limited warranty is available to any patient who has received Mentor saline-filled breast implants at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute. The warranty must be purchased within 45 days from the date of Breast Augmentation surgery for an enrollment fee of $100 and replaces the Mentor Standard Advantage limited warranty. This extended policy includes:
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$100 enrollment fee
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
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Free contralateral (opposite side) implant replacement if requested by a surgeon
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Up to $2400 in financial compensation for 10 years to cover operating room, anesthesia, and surgical charges not covered by personal insurance
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Non-cancelable terms
Special Considerations
With both the Mentor Advantage limited warranty and Mentor Enhanced Advantage limited warranty, all eligible patients should maintain their own records to ensure validation of their enrollment in these programs.
Warranty Footnotes
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy: Mentor will provide free replacement MENTOR® implants of any size in the same or similar style as those originally implanted throughout a patient’s lifetime. A different implant style may be selected if selected by a surgeon, but may be subject to a charge based on the difference between the list prices for the two products.
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Operating room and anesthesia charges are given payment priority. All patients who wish to qualify for financial assistance will need to sign the applicable Release Form.
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The optional Mentor Enhanced Advantage limited warranty entitles all eligible patients to one payout only per enrollment fee. Enrollment in the program for replacement implants will require an additional $100 enrollment fee.

Mentor Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Mentor silicone gel-filled breast implants have provided millions of women with the beautiful, natural Breast Augmentation results they seek for more than 20 years. Available in two distinct shapes, teardrop and round, Mentor silicone implants are widely chosen because of their safety, reliability and natural feel.

The Mentor MemoryGel® Round implants implants have the popular rounded look and once positioned optimally, add a natural fullness to the breast. MemoryGel® implants are available in a wide selection of consistencies from soft (Cohesive ITM) to firm (Cohesive IIITM).

The Mentor Memory ShapeTM implants gently slope to a fuller projection point near the implant’s bottom, mimicking the teardrop shape of a natural, mature breast.

Each of Mentor’s silicone implants has been extensively researched and tested, is Health Canada approved for use in Breast Augmentation or for Breast Reconstruction, and is covered by Mentor’s Premier Advantage limited warranty and Lifetime Replacement Policy.

Breast Implant Sizes and Types

To fit women of all different shapes and give your breasts the look and feel you desire, Mentor MemoryGel® and MemoryShapeTM breast implants are available in a wide range of sizes with either a smooth or textured (SILTEX®) surface, and in four different profile levels: Moderate Classic, Moderate Plus, High Profile and Ultra High Profile.
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Moderate Classic Profile
Provides standard projection from the chest with a wider base width.
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Moderate Plus Profile
Offers a higher projection than the Moderate Classic Profile with a moderate base width.
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High Profile
An even higher projection than the Moderate Plus Profile for patients with a narrower chest wall who want more prominent breasts.
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Ultra High Profile
The highest projection available, with the narrowest base width.

Mentor Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implant Safety

MemoryGel® and MemoryShapeTM breast implants are pre-filled with the latest (third) generation cohesive silicone gel. This uniquely formulated substance is a viscous solid that holds safely and uniformly together to give predictable results and a pliable consistency that closely matches that of natural breast tissue.

The amount of silicone released through the shell of MemoryGel® and MemoryShapeTM breast implants (known as silicone gel bleed) is minimal and associated with no risk for patients. Silicone gel bleed is:
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Less than 1/1000th the weight of a pin.
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More than a million times less than established safety limits (based on the results of FDA reviewed studies).
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More than a hundred times less than the amount of silicone absorbed from daily exposure to common consumer products containing silicone, such as antiperspirants, skin lotions and hair care products.

Mentor Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implant Warranty

Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy

All patients who receive MemoryGel® or MemoryShapeTM implants during Breast Augmentation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically eligible for the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy.

Through this policy patients are completely covered in the event of a confirmed rupture, irrespective of the age of the implant. If one or both implants ruptures, up to two replacement silicone gel implants of any size in a similar style will be provided at no charge.
Events covered by the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Rupture due to crease fold failure, patient trauma, or an unknown cause
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Other loss-of-shell-integrity events may also be covered (at the discretion of Mentor)
Events not covered by Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Adverse reactions other than rupture
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Removal of intact implants due to Capsular Contracture or implant rippling/wrinkling
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Loss of implant shell integrity resulting from reoperative procedures (e.g., revision or Capsulectomy procedures)
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Removal of intact implants for size alteration
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Events that are fully covered by insurance
Premier Advantage Limited Warranty
All eligible patients should maintain their own records to ensure validation of their enrollment in the Premier Advantage limited warranty program.
Warranty Footnotes
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy: Mentor will provide free replacement MENTOR® implant of any size in the same or similar style as those originally implanted throughout a patient’s lifetime. A different implant style may be selected if selected by a surgeon, but may be subject to a charge based on the difference between the list prices for the two products.
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Operating room and anesthesia charges are given payment priority. All patients who wish to qualify for financial assistance, will need to sign the applicable Release Form.

Breast Implant Rupture

The cohesive, gelatin-like silicone gel formulation in MemoryGel® and MemoryShapeTM breast implants behaves as more of a solid than a liquid, and will maintain its shape uniformly even if cut entirely in half.

Mentor’s adherence to strict design requirements further boosts patient safety by enhancing the silicone shell’s strength, elasticity and resilience, thereby producing silicone shells that are less likely to rupture than in other silicone implants.

On-Going Clinical Studies

Mentor is committed to providing objective, clinical information on breast implant safety to further reinforce its commitment to safety. Currently, over 200,000 women have participated in numerous on-going clinical studies that are designed to demonstrate the long-term safety and effectiveness of the latest generation of silicone-filled breast implants.

Mentor Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implant Warranty

Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy

All patients who receive MemoryGel® or MemoryShapeTM implants during Breast Augmentation at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute are automatically eligible for the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. Through this policy patients are completely covered in the event of a confirmed rupture, irrespective of the age of the implant. If one or both implants ruptures, up to two replacement silicone gel implants of any size in a similar style will be provided at no charge.
Events covered by the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Rupture due to crease fold failure, patient trauma, or an unknown cause
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Other loss-of-shell-integrity events may also be covered (at the discretion of Mentor)
Events not covered by Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy if they require surgical intervention include:
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Adverse reactions other than rupture
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Removal of intact implants due to Capsular Contracture or implant
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Loss of implant shell integrity resulting from reoperative procedures (e.g., revision or Capsulectomy procedures)
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Removal of intact implants for size alteration
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Events that are fully covered by insurance
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Premier Advantage LimitedWarranty
All patients who receive a MemoryGel® or MemoryShapeTM breast implant on or after May 1, 2009 are automatically enrolled in the Mentor Premier Advantage limited warranty free of charge. This warranty provides $1,100 more compensation than the Mentor Enhanced Advantage Limited warranty for saline-filled implants, offering patients up to $3,500 in financial assistance.
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Free warranty coverage
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Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy
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Applies to expenses occurring from a confirmed rupture for up to 10 years from the date of the original implant surgery
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Up to $3,500 financial assistance2 for operating room, anesthesia, and surgical charges not covered by personal health insurance (applies only to implant surgeries performed on or after May 1, 2009)
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Free contralateral (opposite side) implant replacement upon request by a surgeon
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Non-cancelable terms
Premier Advantage Limited Warranty
All eligible patients should maintain their own records to ensure validation of their enrollment in the Premier Advantage limited warranty program.
Warranty Footnotes
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Lifetime Product Replacement Policy: Mentor will provide free replacement MENTOR® implant of any size in the same or similar style as those originally implanted throughout a patient’s lifetime. A different implant style may be selected if selected by a surgeon, but may be subject to a charge based on the difference between the list prices for the two products.
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Operating room and anesthesia charges are given payment priority. All patients who wish to qualify for financial assistance, will need to sign the applicable Release Form.

Confidential Consultation

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