Breast Augmentation
After Care

Instructions for Care After Breast Augmentation

Surgery is only the first step towards fuller and more beautiful breasts. Following your breast enhancement surgery, the recovery period is a crucial time during which your body heals and your new breast implants settle into their proper position and shape.

First and foremost, ensure you are adequately prepared with all the necessities for a speedy and optimal recovery. Order SixSurgery approved products and creams specific to your procedure on RecoveryMarket. We work with them to ensure you have everything you need for a speedy recovery: breast band, support bras, gel and absorbent pads.

During this time, it is essential that you follow our post-operative care guidelines and attend your follow-up visits at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Failure to do so, may lead to sub-optimal, or even unwanted results. We view the recovery period as a time when your body and your breasts are still fragile and must be cared for appropriately.

Please read carefully the below do’s and don’ts after your surgery in Toronto. If you need clarification on any of these instructions, or you have a question that is not answered by the following information, please contact us and one of our staff will be ready to help you.
Following Breast Augmentation surgery you can:
  • Eat any food you normally eat.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages only after you have stopped taking your pain medications.
  • Sleep on your back.
  • Return to office-type work (i.e., non-active work).
  • Lift your arm up to the shoulder level during the first 2 weeks.
  • Lift objects up to 5 lb during the first 2 weeks.
  • Massage your breasts as advised by

Dr. Jugenburg (do not massage your breasts if you have also had a Breast Lift performed at the time of your Breast Augmentation

Following Breast Augmentation surgery you cannot:
  • Sleep on your stomach or sides for 6 weeks.
  • Run, jump or perform any other vigorous physical activity that will make your breasts bounce and potentially break open your wounds, or dislodge your implants.
  • Try to look at your scars by pulling up on your breasts (to see the breast fold and areola scars) or lifting your arms (to see the armpit scars) because you risk breaking open your wounds.
  • Lift your arms above your shoulders, especially if you have an armpit (Trans-Axillary) wound.
  • Bath for 2 weeks; after the first few days, you can shower, but make sure to dry your wounds well (you should use a hairdryer on a low setting to completely dry the wounds and the dressings).
  • Get your wounds wet for the first 2 – 5 days after surgery, unless Dr. Jugenburg has applied a water proof bandage to protect your scars (Dr. Jugenburg will always tell you if he has used a waterproof bandage).
  • Bath for 2 weeks; after the first few days, you can shower, but make sure to dry your wounds well (you should use a hairdryer on a low setting to completely dry the wounds and the dressings).
  • Remove your surgical bra and compression band(s) until Dr. Jugenburg has advised you to do so (with the exception of when you are washing).
  • Wear an underwire bra (or push-up bra) for at least 6 weeks after surgery (that is, until your wounds have properly healed and your breast implants have settled), or as advised by Dr. Jugenburg (further advice on bra support is given here).

If you choose not to follow our post-operative Breast Augmentation protocols and/or not to attend your scheduled follow up visits at the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, you must understand that we cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen complications or problems that may develop.

Breast Augmentation After Care Faq

When will my implants settle?
Your implants will settle into the breasts over the course of 3 months. Patients typically notice a dramatic difference in the implants by 1 month and this continues to improve; they become softer, more mobile, and positioned just behind the nipple. For further information, please refer here.
How long do I have to wear the surgical bra? When can I buy regular bars?
You should wear the surgical bra day and night until Dr. Jugenburg advises otherwise; this is dependent on your healing and is typically until 2 – 4 weeks after surgery. We advise patients to wait to purchase new bras until 1 month after surgery, so that the sizing is accurate after any swelling has resolved and the implants have settled. If you wish to purchase one or two bras for the time period between wearing your surgical bra and the final fitting, be aware that your bra size may be less accurate at this point.

Learn more about which bras to wear after your breast augmentation procedure.
My nipples or scars feel numb or hypersensitive, is this normal?
Yes. Sensation changes immediately following surgery are very common and normally resolve within 3 – 6 months. You may experience numbness or tingling, or may be extra sensitive.
When can I drive?
You may begin driving again when you have finished your pain medication containing codeine (which impairs your reflexes and can make you drowsy) and can safely and comfortably maneuver the car.
When can I begin exercising?
Strenuous exercise that raises your blood pressure should be avoided for 2 weeks (this includes participating in sexual activities). After this period, you may begin to gradually work up to low impact cardio (exercises and movement that will not shake your breasts and breast implants).

After 6 weeks you can slowly resume more vigorous activities. If your implants were placed below the muscle (sub-muscular or sub-pectoral), we advise that you avoid activities that directly involve the cheat muscles (pectoralis major) for 12 weeks (such exercises include: push-ups, chest press, chest flies, and yoga positions where your body weight is supported by the upper arms).
How soon can I return to work after my surgery?
Most women can return to office type work a few days after surgery. If your work involves being active, you must either arrange to undertake non-active tasks for a period of 2 weeks, if possible, or to take this time off work.
When can I begin using silicone-based scar treatments?
Dr. Jugenburg is an expert at creating minimal scars and hiding them in ways that make them virtually undetectable. To help further minimize any scaring, silicone-based treatments are best, but should be used only if needed (and usually only after the incisions have fully healed). DrJugenburg will advise you if and whenyou should start using these treatments.

At the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute, we offer the skin gel Kelocoteto all our patients. Kelocote is a silicone-based gel that is applied over a healing scar to minimize the scarring process.It helps to promote the flattening of the scar and any discoloring to vanish. Massage after surgery, in addition to silicone-based treatments, are likely the best tools to fight more prominent scarring.Shouldsuch treatments be necessary for your scars, during one of your post-operative follow-up visits at the clinic, you will be advised both on the application of the gel and, if appropriate,on scar massage techniques.

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