How do breast implant volumes in cc’s compare to cup sizes?
There is no good correlation between breast implant cc’s and cup sizes. A cup size measurement is a very imprecise way to measure a breast and there is no standardized sizing among bra manufacturers. A C cup, for example is a much smaller volume on a petite woman, then a C cup on a large woman.
Will my breasts look natural?
Choosing a breast implant profile (width and projection) that matches your existing breasts and body shape is the best way to ensure that you will get a natural look.
Will I be able to feel my breast implants?
Every woman knows every part of her body and you will always be able to feel your breast implants. Women with very little natural breast tissue, in whom the skin and tissue is stretched more to cover their implants, will likely be more aware of the implant edges. If you are extremely slim and can easily feel your ribs under or to the side of your breasts, you will also be able to feel the edges of your implants.However, if the implants that you have chosen are appropriate for your body, over time they will become a seamless part of you. A degree of natural rippling/wrinkling on an implants surface is relatively common and can be felt, particularly when a woman leans forwards; however, this effect is similar to the folding of natural tissue in larger breasts (without implants).
Will it be possible to correct my breast asymmetry?
Yes, improvements to breast asymmetry are always addressed during Breast Augmentation. In more pronounced cases of
breast volume asymmetry, Dr. Jugenburg may need to modify the chosen implant profile and/or size between your breasts to adjust for this asymmetry.
What is a fake-looking Breast Augmentation?
fake look refers to the very round, bubbly Breast Augmentation where the outline of the breast implants can be seen. The implants and breast sit high on the chest, cleavage is tight, and the impression of a permanent push-up bra effect is created.
Is there a breast implant that doesn’t give the fake, round look?
A natural look can also be achieved with a Round breast implant. Placing the implant below the chest muscle can create a natural teardrop effect without actually using Teardrop implants. This will depend on the existing characteristics of your breast, such as the amount and integrity of your existing breast tissue. If you have very little existing breast tissue, a Teardrop implant may be required to give the shape of a natural breast. In the case of cancer mastectomy patients, a Teardrop implant is always required to reconstruct a natural-looking breast.
Will my breast implants be visible?
When properly selected to fit your body, a breast implant should be covered by your existing breast tissue. However, there are many women who have little natural breast volume and/or wish to have a
fake-looking Breast Augmentation (in which the implant edges are typically visible). If you pinch your breasts and the pinch is less than 2 cm thick, you may not have a sufficient amount of existing tissue to hide an implant if positioned above the chest muscle. In such cases, an implant placement below the chest muscle is preferred as the compression and contours of the muscle will better disguise the implant and create a more natural look.
Are silicone breast implants safe?
Health Canada has approved
silicone breast implants for Breast Augmentation that are manufactured by two companies:
Allergan and
Mentor. An extensive review by the Institute of Medicine in the United States concluded that: “There is no evidence that silicone implants are responsible for any major diseases of the whole body. Women are exposed to silicone constantly in their daily lives.”Silicone is commonly found in hair conditioners, shampoos and styling products, and as coatings on pharmaceuticals pills.
Are there long-term risks associated with having high profile breast implants?
There are physical limitations on what size breast implants can be used in certain women. In order to answer this question, therefore, it is important to distinguish between what is a high profile implant and what is an over-sized implant. Over-sized implants are implants that are not in proportion with the size and shape of your existing breasts and the rest of your body.
Complications that are typically associated with high profile implant are:
- Bottoming out
- Visible rippling, wrinkling and ridges (with insufficient breast tissue coverage)
- Stretchmarks
Over-sized implants may also increase the risk of:
- Tissue, fat and muscle thinning (Pressure Atrophy) that leads to a reduction in size of the natural breast tissue
- Reoperation
This does not mean that
higher profile implants will necessarily lead to a greater risk of such complications; there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. High profile implants are useful in the right women. The process should be to first choose a size that is appropriate for your body, and then to select the implant profile that best matches the base diameter of your natural breasts. This may be high, moderate or low profile.
How will my breast implants be inserted during surgery?
One of three small incisions can be used to insert your chosen breast implants: through the armpit (Trans-Axillary), through the breast fold (Infra-Mammary), or through the Areola (Peri-Areolar). The technique that is chosen will depend on your existing breast anatomy and personal goals, the content of the implants (whether saline or silicone), the size of the implants, and the intended position of the implants above or below the chest muscle.
Further information on
Breast Augmentation incisions and scars (and techniques) is given
here, and specific to the armpit approach,
Which breast implants are more prone to rippling/wrinkling?
Patients with insufficient skin thickness, breast tissue and/or muscle coverage to disguise the natural implant folds that occur are more prone to visible rippling. Dr. Jugenburg will advise you on what compromises in implant selection you will need to make in order to obtain the best results. For example:

Implant type: Choosing silicone gel implants instead of saline implants may help reduce rippling.

Implant profile: Choosing a smaller implant profile to allow for better breast tissue coverage may make any rippling that occurs less visible.

Implant location: For women with thin skin or breast tissue, placing the implant below the chest muscle may help reduce visible rippling.